CERN Accelerating science

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Ion Motion in the Adiabatic Focuser / Sessler, Andrew (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Henestroza, Enrique (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Yu, Simon (LBNL, Berkeley)
2006 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.2149
Technological Improvements in the DARHT II Accelerator Cells / Prichard, Benjamin A ; Barraza, Juan ; Bieniosek, Frank ; Briggs, Richard J ; Chow, Ken ; Fawley, William M ; Genoni, Thomas E ; Henestroza, Enrique ; Hughes, Thomas P ; Kang, Mike et al.
DARHT employs two perpendicular electron Linear Induction Accelerators to produce intense, bremsstrahlung x-ray pulses for flash radiography. The second axis, DARHT II, features an 18 MeV, 2-kA, 2-microsecond accelerator. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.169
Extraction Compression and Acceleration of High Line Charge Density Ion Beams / Henestroza, Enrique ; Briggs, Richard J ; Grote, D P ; Peters, Craig ; Yu, Simon
HEDP applications require high line charge density ion beams. An efficient method to obtain this type of beams is to extract a long pulse, high current beam from a gun at high energy, and let the beam pass through a decelerating field to compress it [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.2032
LSP Simulations of the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment / Thoma, Carsten H ; Eylon, Shmuel ; Gilson, Erik P ; Henestroza, Enrique ; Roy, Prabir K ; Welch, Dale ; Yu, Simon
The Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory involves the longitudinal compression of a singly-stripped K ion beam with a mean energy of 250 keV in a meter long plasma. We present simulation results of compression of the NDCX beam using the PIC code LSP. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.4006
Initial Results on Neutralized Drift Compression Experiments (NDCX-IA) for High Intensity Ion Beam / Roy, Prabir K ; Anders, Andre ; Baca, David ; Bieniosek, Frank ; Coleman, Joshua E ; Davidson, Ronald C ; Efthimion, Philip ; Eylon, Shmuel ; Gilson, Erik P ; Grant Logan, B et al.
Ion beam neutralization and compression experiments are designed to determine the feasibility of using compressed high intensity ion beams for high energy density physics (HEDP) experiments and for inertial fusion power. To quantitatively ascertain the various mechanisms and methods for beam compression, the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX) facility is being constructed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3856
Highly Compressed Ion Beams for High Energy Density Science / Friedman, Alex ; Barnard, John J ; Briggs, Richard J ; Callahan, Debra ; Caporaso, George ; Celata, C M ; Davidson, Ronald C ; Faltens, Andy ; Grant-Logan, B ; Grisham, Larry et al.
The Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory (HIF-VNL) is developing the intense ion beams needed to drive matter to the High Energy Density (HED) regimes required for Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) and other applications. An interim goal is a facility for Warm Dense Matter (WDM) studies, wherein a target is heated volumetrically without being shocked, so that well-defined states of matter at 1 to 10 eV are generated within a diagnosable region. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.339
DARHT-II Long-Pulse Beam-Dynamics Experiments / Ekdahl, Carl ; Abeyta, E O ; Bartsch, Richard ; Bender, Howard ; Briggs, Richard J ; Broste, William ; Carlson, Carl ; Caudill, Larry ; Chan, Kwok-Chi D ; Chen Yu Jiuan et al.
When completed, the DARHT-II linear induction accelerator (LIA) will produce a 2-kA, 18-MeV electron beam with more than 1500-ns current/energy "flat-top." In initial tests DARHT-II has already accelerated beams with current pulse lengths from 500-ns to 1200-ns full-width at half maximum (FWHM) with more than1.2-kA, 12.5-MeV peak current and energy. Experiments are now underway with a ~2000-ns pulse length, but reduced current and energy. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.19
A Pulsed Solenoid for Intense Ion Beam Transport / Shuman, Derek ; Henestroza, Enrique ; Ritchie, Gary ; Vanecek, David ; Waldron, William ; Yu, Simon
A design for a pulsed solenoid magnet is presented. Some simple design formulas are given that are useful for initial design scoping. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3798
A Fast Faraday Cup for the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment / Sefkow, Adam ; Bieniosek, Frank ; Coleman, Joshua E ; Davidson, Ronald C ; Efthimion, Philip ; Eylon, Shmuel ; Gilson, Erik P ; Greenway, Wayne ; Henestroza, Enrique ; Kwan, Joe W et al.
Heavy ion drivers for high energy density physics applications and inertial fusion energy use space-charge-dominated beams which require longitudinal bunch compression in order to achieve sufficiently high beam intensity at the target. The Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment-1A (NDCX-1A) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is used to determine the effective limits of neutralized drift compression. [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3765
First Commissioning Experiments at DARHT-II / Ekdahl, Carl ; Bender, Howard ; Broste, William ; Carlson, Carl ; Caudill, Larry ; Chan, Kwok C ; Chen Yu Jiuan ; Dalmas, Dale ; Durtschi, Grant ; Eversole, Steven et al.
Los Alamos, NM : Los Alamos Nat. Lab., 2004 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 5 - 9 Jul 2004, pp.1497

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78 Henestroza, E
1 Henestroza, E.
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