CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Znaleziono 4 rekordów  Szukanie trwało 0.58 sekund. 
How to Commission, Operate and Maintain a Large Future Accelerator Complex From Far Remote Sites / Czarapata, P C (FNAL) ; Hartill, D L (Cornell) ; Myers, S (CERN) ; Peggs, S (Brookhaven) ; Phinney, N (SLAC) ; Serio, M (INFN) ; Toge, N (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Willeke, F (DESY) ; Zhang, C (IHEP, Beijing)
A study on future large accelerators [1] has considered a facility, which is designed, built and operated by a worldwide collaboration of equal partner institutions, and which is remote from most of these institutions. The full range of operation was considered including commissioning, machine development, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair. [...]
cs/0110029.- 2001 - 5 p. External link: Preprint
In : 8th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, San José, CA, USA, 27 - 30 Nov 2001, pp.e-proc.FRBI001
Motion Control Design of the SDSS 2.5 m Telescope / Rivetta, C ; Briegel, C ; Czarapata, P C
- 2000.
Full text from Fermilab
KTeV design report : physics goals, technical components, and detector costs / Arisaka, K
FERMILAB-FN-580 ; FN-580. - Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1992. - 282 p.

CERN library copies
Report of the census task force on beamline control system requirements / Barsotti, E J ; Bartlett, J F ; Bogert, D ; Borcherding, F O ; Butler, J ; Czarapata, P C ; Spalding, W J ; Thomas, A D
- 1986.
CERN library copies

Zobacz też: podobne nazwiska autorów
1 Czarapata, P
1 Czarapata, P.
3 Czarapata, Paul
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