CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Znaleziono 3 rekordów  Szukanie trwało 1.40 sekund. 
Low-Latency Track Triggering in High-Energy Physics / Ardila Perez, Luis Eduardo
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a general-purpose experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) designed to study a wide variety of high-energy physics phenomena [...]
CERN-THESIS-2022-289 DOI:10.5445/IR/1000145595. - 192 p.

OpenIPMC: A Free and Open-Source Intelligent Platform Management Controller Software / Calligaris, Luigi (CERN) ; Cascadan, André (Sao Paulo, IFT) ; Ardila-Perez, Luis E. (KIT, Karlsruhe, IPE) ; Casu, Bruno (Sao Paulo, IFT) ; da Costa, Alison França (Sao Paulo State U.) ; Shinoda, Ailton Akira (Sao Paulo State U.) ; Arruda Ramalho, Lucas (Mato Grosso U.) ; Sander, Oliver (KIT, Karlsruhe, IPE)
OpenIPMC is a free and open source firmware designed to operate as an Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC). An IPMC is a fundamental component of electronic boards conformant to the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard, currently being adopted by a number of high energy physics experiments, and is responsible for monitoring the health parameters of the board, managing its power states, and providing board control, debug and recovery functions to remote clients. [...]
arXiv:2011.01088.- 2021-06-25 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 68 (2021) 2105-2112 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 22nd IEEE Real Time Conference, Virtual, Vietnam, 12 - 23 Oct 2020, pp.2105-2112
An FPGA based track finder for the L1 trigger of the CMS experiment at the High Luminosity LHC / Tomalin, Ian (Rutherford) ; Ardila Perez, Luis Eduardo (KIT, Karlsruhe, IPE) ; Ball, Fionn Amhairghen (Bristol U.) ; Balzer, Matthias Norbert (KIT, Karlsruhe, IPE) ; Boudoul, Gaelle (Lyon, IPN) ; Brooke, James John (Bristol U.) ; Caselle, Michele (KIT, Karlsruhe, IPE) ; Calligaris, Luigi (Rutherford) ; Cieri, Davide (Rutherford) ; Clement, Emyr John (Bristol U.) et al.
A new tracking detector is under development for use by the CMS experiment at the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). A crucial requirement of this upgrade is to provide the ability to reconstruct all charged particle tracks with transverse momentum above 2-3 GeV within 4$\mu$s so they can be used in the Level-1 trigger decision. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2017-009; CERN-CMS-NOTE-2017-009.- Geneva : CERN, 2017-12-14 - 43 p. - Published in : JINST 12 (2017) P12019 Fulltext: PDF; External link: IOP Open Access article

Zobacz też: podobne nazwiska autorów
1 Ardila-Perez, L E
1 Ardila-Perez, Luis
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