CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 32 elementer funnet  1 - 10nesteslutt  gå til element: Søket tok 0.68 sekunder. 
First Result from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station: Precision Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5–350 GeV / AMS Collaboration
A precision measurement by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station of the positron fraction in primary cosmic rays in the energy range from 0.5 to 350 GeV based on 6.8×106 positron and electron events is presented. The very accurate data show that the positron fraction is steadily increasing from 10 to ∼250  GeV, but, from 20 to 250 GeV, the slope decreases by an order of magnitude. [...]
2013 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 141102 External links: article; Symmetry Magazine article; Press Release
Precision Measurement of the Proton Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from Rigidity 1 GV to 1.8 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station / Aguilar, M (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Aisa, D (INFN, Perugia ; Perugia U.) ; Alpat, B (INFN, Perugia) ; Alvino, A (INFN, Perugia) ; Ambrosi, G (INFN, Perugia) ; Andeen, K (KIT, Karlsruhe, IKP) ; Arruda, L (LIP, Lisbon) ; Attig, N (IAS, Julich ; JARA, Aachen) ; Azzarello, P (INFN, Perugia ; Geneva U.) ; Bachlechner, A (RWTH Aachen U. ; JARA, Aachen) et al. /AMS
A precise measurement of the proton flux in primary cosmic rays with rigidity (momentum/charge) from 1 GV to 1.8 TV is presented based on 300 million events. Knowledge of the rigidity dependence of the proton flux is important in understanding the origin, acceleration, and propagation of cosmic rays. [...]
2015 - 9 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 171103 APS Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Precision Measurement of the Helium Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays of Rigidities 1.9 GV to 3 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station / AMS Collaboration
Knowledge of the precise rigidity dependence of the helium flux is important in understanding the origin, acceleration, and propagation of cosmic rays. A precise measurement of the helium flux in primary cosmic rays with rigidity (momentum/charge) from 1.9 GV to 3 TV based on 50 million events is presented and compared to the proton flux. [...]
2015 - 9 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (2015) 211101 APS Open Access article: PDF;
Precision Measurement of the ($e^+ + e^−$) Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station / AMS Collaboration
We present a measurement of the cosmic ray ($e^+ + e^−$) flux in the range 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV based on the analysis of 10.6 million ($e^+ + e^−$) events collected by AMS. The statistics and the resolution of AMS provide a precision measurement of the flux. [...]
2014 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 221102 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Electron and Positron Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station / AMS Collaboration
Precision measurements by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station of the primary cosmic-ray electron flux in the range 0.5 to 700 GeV and the positron flux in the range 0.5 to 500 GeV are presented. The electron flux and the positron flux each require a description beyond a single power-law spectrum. [...]
2014 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 121102 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
High Statistics Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5–500 GeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station / AMS Collaboration
A precision measurement by AMS of the positron fraction in primary cosmic rays in the energy range from 0.5 to 500 GeV based on 10.9 million positron and electron events is presented. This measurement extends the energy range of our previous observation and increases its precision. [...]
2014 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 121101 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Commissioning and performance of the CMS pixel tracker with cosmic ray muons / CMS Collaboration
The pixel detector of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment consists of three barrel layers and two disks for each endcap. The detector was installed in summer 2008, commissioned with charge injections, and operated in the 3.8 T magnetic field during cosmic ray data taking. [...]
arXiv:0911.5434; CMS-CFT-09-001; CMS-CFT-09-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2010 - 37 p. - Published in : JINST 5 (2010) T03007 Fulltext: arXiv:0911.5434 - PDF; fermilab-pub-10-144-cms - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF;
Measurement of the muon stopping power in lead tungstate / CMS Collaboration
A large sample of cosmic ray events collected by the CMS detector is exploited to measure the specific energy loss of muons in the lead tungstate (PbWO$_4$) of the electromagnetic calorimeter. The measurement spans a momentum range from 5 GeV/$c$ to 1 TeV/$c$. [...]
arXiv:0911.5397; CMS-CFT-09-005; CMS-CFT-09-005.- 2010 - 31 p. - Published in : JINST 5 (2010) P03007 Fulltext: fermilab-pub-10-146-cms - PDF; arXiv:0911.5397 - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF;
Performance of the CMS Level-1 trigger during commissioning with cosmic ray muons and LHC beams / CMS Collaboration
The CMS Level-1 trigger was used to select cosmic ray muons and LHC beam events during data-taking runs in 2008, and to estimate the level of detector noise. This paper describes the trigger components used, the algorithms that were executed, and the trigger synchronisation. [...]
arXiv:0911.5422; CMS-CFT-09-013; CMS-CFT-09-013.- 2010 - 49 p. - Published in : JINST 5 (2010) T03002 Fulltext: fermilab-pub-10-145-cms - PDF; arXiv:0911.5422 - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF;
Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in cosmic-ray events / CMS Collaboration
The performance of muon reconstruction in CMS is evaluated using a large data sample of cosmic-ray muons recorded in 2008. Efficiencies of various high-level trigger, identification, and reconstruction algorithms have been measured for a broad range of muon momenta, and were found to be in good agreement with expectations from Monte Carlo simulation. [...]
arXiv:0911.4994; CMS-CFT-09-014; CMS-CFT-09-014.- 2010 - 47 p. - Published in : JINST 5 (2010) T03022 Fulltext: arXiv:0911.4994 - PDF; fermilab-pub-10-148-cms - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF; External link: Fulltext

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