CERN Accelerating science

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Light transmission measurements with LAMS in the Mediterranean Sea / KM3NeT Collaboration
2011 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 626-627 (2011) S120-S123

In : 4th International Workshop on a Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope for the Mediterranean Sea 13-16 October 2009 Athens, Greece, Athens, Greece, 13 - 16 Oct 2009, pp.S120-S123
Water transparency measurements in the deep Ionian Sea / Anassontzis, E G (Athens U.) ; Ball, A E (Athens Observ. ; NESTOR Inst., Pylos ; CERN) ; Belias, A (Athens Observ. ; NESTOR Inst., Pylos) ; Fotiou, A (Athens Observ. ; NESTOR Inst., Pylos) ; Grammatikakis, G (Crete U.) ; Kontogiannis, H (Unlisted, GR) ; Koske, P (Kiel U.) ; Koutsoukos, S (Athens Observ. ; NESTOR Inst., Pylos) ; Lykoussis, V (Unlisted, GR) ; Markopoulos, E (Athens Observ. ; NESTOR Inst., Pylos) et al.
A long optical base line spectrophotometer designed to measure light transmission in deep sea waters is described. The variable optical path length allows measurements without the need for absolute or external calibration. [...]
2010 - Published in : Astropart. Phys. 34 (2010) 187-197

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