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Bootstrapping gauge theories (QCD) / He, Yifei (speaker) (ENS)
We consider asymptotically free gauge theories with gauge group SU(Nc) and Nf quarks with mass mq << LambdaQCD that undergo chiral symmetry breaking and confinement. We propose a bootstrap method to compute the S-matrix of the pseudo-Goldstone bosons (pions) that dominate the low energy physics. [...]
2023 - 3066. TH String Theory Seminar External link: Event details In : Bootstrapping gauge theories (QCD)
The Pollica perspective on the (super)-conformal world / Alday, Fernando (Oxford U., Inst. Math.) ; Argyres, Philip (Cincinnati U.) ; Lemos, Madalena (CERN) ; Martone, Mario (Texas U. ; YITP, Stony Brook ; Stony Brook U., New York, SCGP) ; Rastelli, Leonardo (YITP, Stony Brook) ; Taronna, Massimo (Naples U. ; INFN, Naples ; Princeton U.) ; Mukhi, Sunil (IISER, Pune) ; Córdova, Lucía (ENS, Paris, IPM) ; He, Yifei (IPhT, Saclay) ; Kruczenski, Martin (Purdue U. ; Purdue U., West Lafayette) et al.
This manuscript samples a series of recent results in the quest for a systematic understanding of the space of conformal field theories, with a particular focus on theories with extended supersymmetry. The large majority of results reported here were presented during the second Pollica summer workshop which took place from June 3–21 2019 and focused on mathematical and geometric tools for superconformal field theories. [...]
2021 - 61 p. - Published in : J. Phys. A 54 (2021) 303001

Se også: lignende forfatternavn
71 He, Y
1 He, Y -H
2 He, Y -L
9 He, Y B
7 He, Y D
53 He, Y H
10 He, Y L
1 He, Y P
1 He, Y Q
2 He, Y S
2 He, Y T
1 He, Y X
4 He, Y Z
54 He, Y.
2 He, Y.P.
10 He, Ya-Ling
2 He, Ya-feng
1 He, Yadong
1 He, Yafeng
354 He, Yajun
2 He, Yaling
9 He, Yan
1 He, Yan-Qin
1 He, Yanfeng
15 He, Yang
70 He, Yang-Hui
5 He, Yangle
1 He, Yanqin
1 He, Yanxiang
1 He, Yanyun
2 He, Yanzhang
2 He, Yao
2 He, Yayun
126 He, Yi
2 He, Yifeng
4 He, Yijun
1 He, Yin-Chen
3 He, Ying
1 He, Ying-Huan
2 He, Yingbo
4 He, Yingji
1 He, Yingquan
8 He, Yingran
3 He, Yinnian
5 He, Yong
1 He, Yongli
1 He, Yongzhou
1 He, You
6 He, Yu
1 He, Yu Xin
1 He, Yu-Ming
2 He, Yu-Xin
6 He, Yuan
1 He, Yuan Jin
2 He, Yuan Yuan
1 He, Yuehui
1 He, Yugui
2 He, Yuhao
1 He, Yuhong
2 He, Yuhui
6 He, Yun
1 He, Yuncheng
5 He, Yuncun
3 He, Yunfen
352 He, Yunjian
3 He, Yusheng
1 He, Yuxiong
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