CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 459 elementer funnet  1 - 10nesteslutt  gå til element: Søket tok 0.62 sekunder. 
Nuclear modification of $\Upsilon$ states in pPb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV / CMS Collaboration
Production cross sections of $\Upsilon$(1S), $\Upsilon$(2S), and $\Upsilon$(3S) states decaying into ${\mu^{+}\mu^{-}}$ in proton-lead (pPb) collisions are reported using data collected by the CMS experiment at ${\sqrt {\smash [b]{s_{_{\mathrm {NN}}}}}} = $ 5.02 TeV. A comparison is made with corresponding cross sections obtained with pp data measured at the same collision energy and scaled by the Pb nucleus mass number. [...]
arXiv:2202.11807; CMS-HIN-18-005; CERN-EP-2020-181; CMS-HIN-18-005-004.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-08-28 - 40 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 835 (2022) 137397 Fulltext: jt - PDF; CMS-HIN-18-005-arXiv - PDF; 2202.11807 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
First measurement of large area jet transverse momentum spectra in heavy-ion collisions / CMS Collaboration
Jet production in lead-lead (PbPb) and proton-proton (pp) collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV is studied with the CMS detector at the LHC, using PbPb and pp data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 404 $\mu$b$^{-1}$ and 27.4 pb$^{-1}$, respectively. Jets with different areas are reconstructed using the anti-$k_{\mathrm{T}}$ algorithm by varying the distance parameter $R$. [...]
arXiv:2102.13080; FERMILAB-PUB-21-160-CMS; CMS-HIN-18-014; CERN-EP-2020-226; CMS-HIN-18-014-004.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-05-31 - 48 p. - Published in : JHEP 2105 (2021) 284 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: CMS-HIN-18-014-arXiv - PDF; 2102.13080 - PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
Evidence for X(3872) in Pb-Pb Collisions and Studies of its Prompt Production at $\sqrt {s_{NN}}$=5.02  TeV / CMS Collaboration
The first evidence for X(3872) production in relativistic heavy ion collisions is reported. The X(3872) production is studied in lead-lead (PpPb) collisions at a center-of-mass energy of ${\sqrt {\smash [b]{s_{_{\mathrm {NN}}}}}} = $ 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair, using the decay chain ${\mathrm{X}(3872)} \to \mathrm{J}/\psi\,\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\to \mu^{+}\mu^{-}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$. [...]
arXiv:2102.13048; CMS-HIN-19-005; CERN-EP-2021-023; CMS-HIN-19-005-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-01-19 - 18 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 (2022) 032001 Fulltext: 2102.13048 - PDF; CMS-HIN-19-005-arXiv - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
The very forward CASTOR calorimeter of the CMS experiment / CMS Collaboration
The physics motivation, detector design, triggers, calibration, alignment, simulation, and overall performance of the very forward CASTOR calorimeter of the CMS experiment are reviewed. The CASTOR Cherenkov sampling calorimeter is located very close to the LHC beam line, at a radial distance of about 1 cm from the beam pipe, and at 14.4 m from the CMS interaction point, covering the pseudorapidity range of $-6.6 < \eta < -5.2$. [...]
arXiv:2011.01185; CMS-PRF-18-002; CERN-EP-2020-180; CMS-PRF-18-002; CERN-EP-2020-180; CMS-PRF-18-002-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-02-08 - 65 p. - Published in : JINST 16 (2021) P02010 Fulltext: 2011.01185 - PDF; fermilab-pub-20-696-cms-scd - PDF; CMS-PRF-18-002-arxiv - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Measurement of prompt ${\mathrm{D^0}}$ and ${\mathrm{\overline{D}}{}^0}$ meson azimuthal anisotropy and search for strong electric fields in PbPb collisions at ${\sqrt {\smash [b]{s_{_{\mathrm {NN}}}}}} = $5.02 TeV / CMS Collaboration
The strong Coulomb field created in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions is expected to produce a rapidity-dependent difference ($\Delta v_{2}$) in the second Fourier coefficient of the azimuthal distribution (elliptic flow, $v_{2}$) between ${\mathrm{D^0}}$ ($\mathrm{\bar{u}}\mathrm{c}$) and ${\mathrm{\overline{D}}{}^0}$ ($\mathrm{u}\mathrm{\bar{c}}$) mesons. Motivated by the search for evidence of this field, the CMS detector at the LHC is used to perform the first measurement of $\Delta v_{2}$. [...]
arXiv:2009.12628; CMS-HIN-19-008; CERN-EP-2020-155; CMS-HIN-19-008-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-05-10 - 25 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 816 (2021) 136253 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: 2009.12628 - PDF; CMS-HIN-19-008-arXiv - PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
Studies of charm and beauty hadron long-range correlations in pp and pPb collisions at LHC energies / CMS Collaboration
Measurements of the second Fourier harmonic coefficient ($v_2$) of the azimuthal distributions of prompt and nonprompt ${\mathrm{D^0}}$ mesons (the latter coming from beauty hadron decays) produced in pp and pPb collisions are presented. The data samples are collected by the CMS experiment at nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energies of 13 and 8.16 TeV, respectively. [...]
arXiv:2009.07065; CMS-HIN-19-009; CERN-EP-2020-141; CMS-HIN-19-009-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-02-10 - 37 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 813 (2021) 136036 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: HIN-19-009_arXiv - PDF; 2009.07065 - PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
Measurement of differential $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ production cross sections using top quarks at large transverse momenta in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV / CMS Collaboration
A measurement is reported of differential top quark pair ($\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$) production cross sections, where top quarks are produced at large transverse momenta. The data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC are from pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$. [...]
arXiv:2008.07860; CMS-TOP-18-013; CERN-EP-2020-121; CMS-TOP-18-013-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-03-20 - 43 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 052008 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: TOP-18-013-arXiv - PDF; 2008.07860 - PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
Measurements of the W boson rapidity, helicity, double-differential cross sections, and charge asymmetry in pp collisions at 13 TeV / CMS Collaboration
The differential cross section and charge asymmetry for inclusive W boson production at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV is measured for the two transverse polarization states as a function of the W boson absolute rapidity. The measurement uses events in which a W boson decays to a neutrino and either a muon or an electron. [...]
arXiv:2008.04174; CMS-SMP-18-012; CERN-EP-2020-116; CMS-SMP-18-012-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-11-30 - 50 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 092012 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: CMS-SMP-18-012-arXiv - PDF; 2008.04174 - PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
Search for decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson into a Z boson and a $\rho$ or $\phi$ meson / CMS Collaboration
Decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson into a Z boson and a $\rho^{0}(770)$ or $\phi(1020)$ meson are searched for using proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV. The analysed data set corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$. [...]
arXiv:2007.05122; CMS-HIG-19-012; CERN-EP-2020-120; FERMILAB-PUB-20-340-CMS; CMS-HIG-19-012-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-11-10 - 40 p. - Published in : JHEP 2011 (2020) 039 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: 2007.05122 - PDF; CMS-HIG-19-012-arXiv - PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
Investigation into the event-activity dependence of $\Upsilon(\text{nS})$ relative production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 7 TeV / CMS Collaboration
The ratios of the production cross sections between the excited $\Upsilon\text{(2S)}$ and $\Upsilon\text{(3S)}$ mesons and the $\Upsilon\text{(1S)}$ ground state, detected via their decay into two muons, are studied as a function of the number of charged particles in the event. The data are from proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 7 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.8 fb$^{-1}$, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. [...]
arXiv:2007.04277; CMS-BPH-14-009; CERN-EP-2020-075; CMS-BPH-14-009-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-11-02 - 35 p. - Published in : JHEP 2011 (2020) 001 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: 2007.04277 - PDF; CMS-BPH-14-009-arXiv - PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList

CERN Document Server : 459 elementer funnet   1 - 10nesteslutt  gå til element:
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363 Chen, G
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