CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 4 elementer funnet  Søket tok 0.84 sekunder. 
Pouvoirs d'arrêt des gaz pour les ions de tellure à 40 MeV/nucléon / Bimbot, R ; Khoumri, A ; Fahli, A ; Barbey, S ; Benfoughal, T ; Mirea, M ; Hachem, A ; Fares, G ; Anne, R ; Delagrange, H et al.
- 1999. - 15 p.
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Stopping powers of gases for very heavy ions / Bimbot, R ; Barbey, S ; Benfoughal, T ; Clapier, F ; Mirea, M ; Pauwels, N ; Pierre, S ; Rivet, M F ; Farès, G ; Hachem, A et al.
IPNO-DRE-95-04.- Orsay : Paris 11. Inst. Phys. Nucl., 1995 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on Swift Heavy Ions in Matter, Caen, France, 15 - 19 May 1995, pp.9-14 - CERN library copies
INDRA : a 4π charged product detection array at GANIL / Pouthas, J ; Borderie, B ; Dayras, R ; Plagnol, E ; Rivet, M F ; Saint-Laurent, F ; Steckmeyer, J C ; Auger, G ; Bacri, C O ; Barbey, S et al.
Dapnia-SPhN-94-050 ; GANIL-P-94-026.
- 1994. - 48 p.
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The INDRA 4π detector and its scientific program / INDRA Collaboration
- 1993. - 15 p.
CERN library copies

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1 Barbey, Stéphan
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