The FLUKA Monte Carlo code coupled with the NIRS approach for clinical dose calculations in carbon ion therapy
/ Magro, G (CNAO, Milan) ; Dahle, T J (U. Bergen (main)) ; Molinelli, S (CNAO, Milan) ; Ciocca, M (CNAO, Milan) ; Fossati, P (CNAO, Milan ; European Institute of Oncology, Milan) ; Ferrari, A (CERN) ; Inaniwa, T (NIRS, Chiba) ; Matsufuji, N (NIRS, Chiba) ; Ytre-Hauge, K S (U. Bergen (main)) ; Mairani, A (CNAO, Milan ; Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center, Heidelberg)
Particle therapy facilities often require Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to overcome intrinsic limitations of analytical treatment planning systems (TPS) related to the description of the mixed radiation field and beam interaction with tissue inhomogeneities. Some of these uncertainties may affect the computation of effective dose distributions; therefore, particle therapy dedicated MC codes should provide both absorbed and biological doses. [...]
2017 - 14 p.
- Published in : Phys. Med. Biol. 62 (2017) 3814-3827
A phenomenological relative biological effectiveness approach for proton therapy based on an improved description of the mixed radiation field
/ Mairani, A (CNAO Foundation, Pavia ; HIT, Heidelberg) ; Dokic, I (HIT, Heidelberg ; Heidelberg, Inst. Radiology) ; Magro, G (CNAO Foundation, Pavia) ; Tessonnier, T (Munich U. ; Heidelberg, Inst. Radiology) ; Bauer, J (HIT, Heidelberg ; Heidelberg, Inst. Radiology) ; Böhlen, TT (EBG GmbH MedAustron, Austria) ; Ciocca, M (CNAO Foundation, Pavia) ; Ferrari, A (CERN) ; Sala, P R (INFN, Milan) ; Jäkel, O (HIT, Heidelberg ; Heidelberg, Inst. Radiology) et al.
Proton therapy treatment planning systems (TPSs) are based on the assumption of a constant relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 1.1 without taking into account the found in vitro experimental variations of the RBE as a function of tissue type, linear energy transfer (LET) and dose. The phenomenological RBE models available in literature are based on the dose-averaged LET (LET D ) as an indicator of the physical properties of the proton radiation field. [...]
2017 - 18 p.
- Published in : Phys. Med. Biol. 62 (2017) 1378-1395
Preliminary results of the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) as real-time beam monitor in hadron therapy
/ Aza, E (CERN ; Aristotle U., Thessaloniki) ; Ciocca, M. (Fondazione CNAO, Italy) ; Murtas, F. (CERN ; Frascati) ; Puddu, S. (CERN ; Bern U., LHEP) ; Pullia, M. (Fondazione CNAO, Italy) ; Silari, M. (CERN)
The use of proton and carbon ion beams in cancer therapy (also known as hadron therapy) is progressively growing worldwide due to their improved dose distributions, sparing of healthy tissues and (for carbon ions) increased radiobiological effectiveness especially for radio-resistant tumours. Strict Quality Assurance (QA) protocols need to be followed for guaranteeing the clinical beam specifications. [...]
2017 - 7 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 841 (2017) 65-71
Biologically optimized helium ion plans: calculation approach and its in vitro validation
/ Mairani, A (CNAO, Milan ; HITS, Heidelberg) ; Dokic, I (HITS, Heidelberg ; Heidelberg, Inst. Radiology ; Heidelberg U. Hospital) ; Magro, G (CNAO, Milan) ; Tessonnier, T (Heidelberg U. Hospital ; Munich U., Neutron Group) ; Kamp, F (Munich U.) ; Carlson, D J (Yale U. (main)) ; Ciocca, M (CNAO, Milan) ; Cerutti, F (CERN) ; Sala, P R (INFN, Milan ; Yale U.) ; Ferrari, A (CERN) et al.
Treatment planning studies on the biological effect of raster-scanned helium ion beams should be performed, together with their experimental verification, before their clinical application at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT). For this purpose, we introduce a novel calculation approach based on integrating data-driven biological models in our Monte Carlo treatment planning (MCTP) tool. [...]
2016 - 17 p.
- Published in : Phys. Med. Biol. 61 (2016) 4283-4299
A model for the accurate computation of the lateral scattering of protons in water
/ Bellinzona, EV (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia ; Munich U.) ; Ciocca, M (CNAO, Milan) ; Embriaco, A (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Ferrari, A (CERN) ; Fontana, A (Munich U.) ; Mairani, A (CNAO, Milan) ; Parodi, K (Munich U. ; HITS, Heidelberg) ; Rotondi, A (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Sala, P (INFN, Milan) ; Tessonnier, T (Heidelberg U. Hospital)
A pencil beam model for the calculation of the lateral scattering in water of protons for any therapeutic energy and depth is presented. It is based on the full Molière theory, taking into account the energy loss and the effects of mixtures and compounds. [...]
2016 - 17 p.
- Published in : Phys. Med. Biol. 61 (2016) N102-117
Data-driven RBE parameterization for helium ion beams
/ Mairani, A (CNAO, Milan ; HITS, Heidelberg) ; Magro, G (CNAO, Milan ; Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Dokic, I (HITS, Heidelberg ; Heidelberg, Inst. Radiology ; Heidelberg U.) ; Valle, S M (Pavia U.) ; Tessonnier, T (Munich U., Inst. Astron. Astrophys. ; Heidelberg U.) ; Galm, R (HITS, Heidelberg ; Heidelberg, Inst. Radiology ; Heidelberg U.) ; Ciocca, M (CNAO, Milan) ; Parodi, K (HITS, Heidelberg ; Heidelberg U. ; Munich U., Inst. Astron. Astrophys.) ; Ferrari, A (CERN) ; Jäkel, O (HITS, Heidelberg ; Heidelberg, Inst. Radiology) et al.
Helium ion beams are expected to be available again in the near future for clinical use. A suitable formalism to obtain relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values for treatment planning (TP) studies is needed. [...]
2016 - 18 p.
- Published in : Phys. Med. Biol. 61 (2016) 888-905
Dose prescription in carbon ion radiotherapy: How to compare two different RBE-weighted dose calculation systems
/ Molinelli, Silvia (CNAO, Milan) ; Magro, Giuseppe (CNAO, Milan) ; Mairani, Andrea (CNAO, Milan ; Heidelberg U.) ; Matsufuji, Naruhiro (NIRS, Chiba) ; Kanematsu, Nobuyuki (NIRS, Chiba) ; Inaniwa, Taku (NIRS, Chiba) ; Mirandola, Alfredo (CNAO, Milan) ; Russo, Stefania (CNAO, Milan) ; Mastella, Edoardo (CNAO, Milan) ; Hasegawa, Azusa (NIRS, Chiba) et al.
Background and purpose: In carbon ion radiotherapy (CIRT), the use of different relative biological effectiveness (RBE) models in the RBE-weighted dose $(D_{RBE})$ calculation can lead to deviations in the physical dose $(D_{phy})$ delivered to the patient. Our aim is to reduce target $D_{phy}$ deviations by converting prescription dose values. [...]
2016 - 6 p.
- Published in : Radiother. Oncol. 120 (2016) 307-312
Online monitoring for proton therapy: A real-time procedure using a planar PET system
/ Kraan, A C (Pisa U. ; INFN, Pisa) ; Battistoni, G (INFN, Milan) ; Belcari, N (Pisa U. ; INFN, Pisa) ; Camarlinghi, N (Pisa U. ; INFN, Pisa) ; Ciocca, M (CNAO, Pavia) ; Ferrari, A (CERN) ; Ferretti, S (Pisa U. ; INFN, Pisa) ; Mairani, A (CNAO, Pavia) ; Molinelli, S (CNAO, Pavia) ; Pullia, M (CNAO, Pavia) et al.
In this study a procedure for range verification in proton therapy by means of a planar in-beam PET system is presented. The procedure consists of two steps: the measurement of the β+-activity induced in the irradiated body by the proton beam and the comparison of these distributions with simulations. [...]
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 786 (2015) 120-126
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