CERN Accelerating science

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The Indiana University Proton Therapy System / Friesel, Dennis (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Anferov, Vladimir (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Collins, John Curtis (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Katuin, Joseph (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Klein, Susan (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Nichiporov, Dmitri (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Wedeikind, Moira (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana)
2006 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.2349
Design of a Treatment Control System for a Proton Therapy Facility / Katuin, Joseph (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Collins, John Curtis (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Hagen, Charles (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Manwaring, William (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana) ; Zolnierczuk, Piotr (IUCF, Bloomington, Indiana)
2006 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.958
The QCD and Standard Model Working Group : Summary Report from Les Houches / Catani, S. (CERN ; Zurich, ETH ; Michigan State U. ; Oregon U.) ; Dittmar, M. (CERN ; Zurich, ETH ; Michigan State U. ; Oregon U.) ; Huston, J. (CERN ; Zurich, ETH ; Michigan State U. ; Oregon U.) ; Soper, D.E. (CERN ; Zurich, ETH ; Michigan State U. ; Oregon U.) ; Tapprogge, S. (CERN ; Zurich, ETH ; Michigan State U. ; Oregon U.) ; Aurenche, P. ; Balazs, C. ; Ball, R.D. ; Binoth, T. ; Boos, E. et al.
The Les Houches Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders took place from June 8-18, 1999. [...]
- 2000. - 179 p.
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Diffractive Production of Jets and Weak Bosons, and Tests of Hard-Scattering Factorization / Alvero, Lyndon (Penn State U.) ; Collins, John C. (Penn State U. ; CERN) ; Terron, Juan (Madrid, Autonoma U.) ; Whitmore, Jim (Penn State U.)
We extract diffractive parton densities from diffractive, deep inelastic (DIS) ep data from the ZEUS experiment. Then we use these fits to predict the diffractive production of jets and of W's and Z's in p\bar p collisions at the Tevatron. [...]
hep-ph/9701374; CTEQ-701; PSU-TH-177; CERN-TH-96-340; CTEQ-701; PSU-TH-177; CERN-TH-96-340.- University Park, PA : Pennsylvania State Univ. Dept. Phys., 1999 - 23 p. APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Access to fulltext document: PDF; Preprint: PDF; External link: hep-ph/9701374 PDF - CERN library copies
QCD Aspects of Polarized Hard Scattering Processes / Collins, John C. (CERN)
I give an overview of what our present knowledge of QCD predicts and does not predict for polarized hard scattering. For experimental programs, a big issue is how much further we can expect our theoretical understanding of QCD to improve..
hep-ph/9610330.- 1996 - 7 p. - Published in : , pp. 31-36
Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: hep-ph/9610330 PDF
In : 12th International Symposium on High-energy Spin Physics : Spin '96, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10 - 14 Sep 1996, pp.31-36 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Polarized protons at RHIC / Underwood, D. (Argonne) ; Yokosawa, A. (Argonne) ; Bunce, G. (Brookhaven) ; Makdisi, Y. (Brookhaven) ; Tannenbaum, M. (Brookhaven) ; Lee, S.Y. (Indiana U.) ; Soffer, Jacques (Marseille, CPT) ; Jaffe, R.L. (MIT, LNS) ; Collins, John C. (Penn State U.) ; Heppelmann, S. (Penn State U.) et al.
ANL-HEP-PR-91-101; CPT-2627; M-CPT-2627; PSU-TH-96.- Argonne, IL : Argonne Nat. Lab., 1992 - 28 p. - Published in : Part. World: 3 (1992) , no. 1, pp. 1-12 Fulltext: 3.1.1.PDF; - CERN library copies
Polarized Collider Workshop - Polarized Collider Workshop   15 - 17 Nov 1990  - University Park, PA, USA  / Collins, John C (ed.); Heppelman, Steve F (ed.); Robinett, Richard W (ed.)
New York, NY : AIP, 1991 - 386 p.

60 Collins, J
9 Collins, J A
123 Collins, J C
1 Collins, J D
1 Collins, J E
1 Collins, J F
2 Collins, J H
5 Collins, J J
2 Collins, J P
4 Collins, J S
2 Collins, J T
5 Collins, J.
3 Collins, J.C.
2 Collins, J.H.
5 Collins, Jack
5 Collins, Jack H
7 Collins, Jack H.
1 Collins, James
1 Collins, James M
1 Collins, Jeffrey T
1 Collins, Jesse W
6 Collins, Jim
8 Collins, John C
4 Collins, John C.
2 Collins, John Curtis
1 Collins, John J
1 Collins, John M
1 Collins, John M.
2 Collins, Jon
2 Collins, Joseph A
1 Collins, Joseph B
2 Collins, Julia
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