CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 1 record trovati  La ricerca ha impiegato 1.30 secondi. 
Probing intensity limits of LHC-Type bunches in CERN SPS with nominal optics / Adrian, G (CERN) ; Allen, D (CERN) ; Andujar, O (CERN) ; Argyropoulos, T (CERN) ; Axensalva, J (CERN) ; Baldy, J (CERN) ; Bartosik, H (CERN) ; Cettour Cave, S (CERN) ; Chapuis, F (CERN) ; Comblin, JF (CERN) et al.
Some of the upgrade scenarios of the high-luminosity LHC require large intensity per bunch from the injector chain. Single bunch beams with intensities of up to 3.5 to 4e11 p/b and nominal emittances were successfully produced in the PS Complex and delivered to the SPS in 2010. [...]
CERN-ATS-2011-176.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 3 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, 4 - 9 Sep 2011, pp.MOPS009

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