CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 12 record trovati  1 - 10successivo  salta al record: La ricerca ha impiegato 0.61 secondi. 
Study of 1n and 2n transfer reactions in 6He+p system at 25 MeV/n energy of 6He beam / Wolski, R ; Fomichev, A S ; Rodin, A M ; Sidorchuk, S I ; Stepantsov, S V ; Ter-Akopian, G M ; Chelnokov, M L ; Gorshkov, V A ; Lavrentyev, A Yu ; Zagrebaev, V I et al.
- 1998. - 10 p.
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A note on the application of CsI(Tl)-counter to light charged particle detection in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf / Fomichev, A S ; David, I ; Ivanov, M P ; Kuznetsov, I V ; Kushniruk, V F ; Lukyanov, S M ; Mikhailov, L V ; Sobolev, Yu G
- 1995. - 11 p.
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The response of a large CsI(Tl) detector to light particles and heavy ions in the intermediate energy range / Fomichev, A S ; David, I ; Lukyanov, S M ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E ; Skobelev, N K ; Tarasov, O V ; Matthies, A ; Ortlepp, H G ; Wagner, W ; Lewitowicz, M et al.
- 1993. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
High pressure, low temperature structural studies of orientationally ordered C60 / David, W I F ; Ibberson, R M
- 1993. - 21 p.
CERN library copies
Pyrolytic citrate synthesis and ozone annealing : two key steps toward the optimization of sintered YBCO / Celani, F ; David, W I F ; Giovannella, C ; Messi, R ; Merlo, V ; Pace, S ; Saggese, A ; Sparvieri, N
- 1988. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
The high resolution powder diffractometer at ISIS : an introductory users guide / David, W I F
RAL-88-103. - Chilton : RAL, 1988. - 174 p.

CERN library copies
Evidence for an isostructural phase transition and investigation of the orthorhombic strain anomaly at Tc in YBa2CusO7x / David, W I F ; Wilson, C C ; Edwards, P P ; Jones, R ; Harrison, M R
- 1987. - 16 p.
CERN library copies
The crystal structure of La2Sr.Cu2O6 and its relationship to the 35K and 90K high-Tc superconductors / David, W I F ; Harrison, W T A
- 1987. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Comparison of the yields of high-energy gamma-rays with E.gamma 10 MeV measured in the reactions natSn + 40Ar and 68Zn + 64Zn / Kamanin, V V ; Kugler, A ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E ; Sobolev, Yu G ; Fomichev, A S ; David, I
- 1986. - 6 p. CERN library copies
Feeding of yrast state in 89Nb / Berinde, A ; David, I ; Trache, L
- 1986. - 4 p. CERN library copies

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