Operation and calibration of the Silicon Drift Detectors of the ALICE experiment during the 2008 cosmic ray data taking period
/ Alessandro, B (INFN, Turin) ; Antinori, S (INFN, Bologna) ; Bala, R (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Batigne, G (SUBATECH, Nantes) ; Beolè, S (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Biolcati, E (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Bock Garcia, N (Ohio State U.) ; Bruna, E (Turin U.) ; Cerello, P (INFN, Turin) ; Coli, S (INFN, Turin) et al.
The calibration and performance of the Silicon Drift Detector of the ALICE experiment during the 2008 cosmic ray run will be presented. In particular the procedures to monitor the running parameters (baselines, noise, drift speed) are detailed. [...]
2010 - 19 p.
- Published in : JINST 5 (2010) P04004
IOP Open Access Article: PDF; External link: Preprint
Charge collection in the Silicon Drift Detectors of the ALICE experiment
/ Alessandro, B (INFN, Turin) ; Bala, R (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Batigne, G (INFN, Turin) ; Beolé, S (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Biolcati, E (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Cerello, P (INFN, Turin) ; Coli, S (INFN, Turin) ; Corrales Morales, Y (Havana, InSTEC ; INFN, Turin) ; Crescio, E (INFN, Turin) ; De Remigis, P (INFN, Turin) et al.
A detailed study of charge collection efficiency has been performed on the Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) of the ALICE experiment. Three different methods to study the collected charge as a function of the drift time have been implemented. [...]
2010 - 16 p.
- Published in : JINST 5 (2010) P02008
IOP Open Access Article: PDF; External link: Preprint
Characterization of the ALICE Silicon Drift Detectors using an infrared laser
/ Batigne, G ; Biolcati, E ; Beolè, S ; Crescio, E ; Falchieri, D ; Mazza, G ; Prino, F ; Rashevsky, A ; Riccati, L ; Rivetti, A et al.
The Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment at LHC uses Silicon Drift Detectors in two cylindrical layers located at radial distance of ≈ 15 and ≈ 24 cm from the beam axis. The spatial resolution of silicon drift detectors can be strongly affected by inhomogeneities of the doping concentration, temperature effects and non-linearity of the drift potential distribution. [...]
- Published in : JINST 3 (2008) P06004
Test and commissioning of the CARLOS control boards for the ALICE Silicon Drift Detectors
/ Alessandro, Bruno (INFN, Torino ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Torino) ; Antinori, Samuele (INFN, Bologna ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Bologna) ; Beolè, S (INFN, Torino ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Torino) ; Coli, S (INFN, Torino ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Torino) ; Costa, F (INFN, Bologna ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Bologna) ; De Remigis, P (INFN, Torino ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Torino) ; Falchieri, Davide (INFN, Bologna ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Bologna) ; Gandolfi, Enzo (INFN, Bologna ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Bologna) ; Giraudo, G (INFN, Torino ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Torino) ; Giubellino, P (INFN, Torino ; Dep. Phys., Univ. Torino) et al.
This paper presents the test strategy employed during the installation of the CARLOS end ladder boards developed for the Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) of ALICE. Each CARLOS board compresses the data provided by the front-end electronics of one SDD and sends them via an optical link of 800 Mbit/s to the data concentrator card (CARLOSrx) located in the counting room. [...]
CERN, 2007
Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, 03 - 07 Sep 2007, pp.148-151 (CERN-2007-007)
The front-end system of the silicon drift detectors of ALICE
/ Rivetti, A ; Idzik, M ; Martínez, M I ; Mazza, G ; Nouais, D ; Riccati, L ; Toscano, L ; Wheadon, R ; Rashevsky, A
/ALICE Collaboration
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 541 (2005) 267-273
In : 5th International Symposium on Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Hiroshima, Japan, 14 - 17 Jun 2004, pp.267-273
Beam Test of a very large area linear Silicon Drift Detector
/ ALICE Collaboration
We report the results of the first beam test of one of the very large area silicon drift detector prototypes produced for the ALICE Inner Tracking System, including data on efficiency, charge collection and linearity of the detector..
ALICE-INT-1998-24; CERN-ALICE-INT-1998-24.-
Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 32 p.
Fulltext: PDF PS;
Influence of the Leakage Current on the Performance of Large Area Silicon Drift Detectors
/ Rashevsky, A (INFN, Trieste ) ; Nouais, D (INFN, Turin) ; Piemonte, C (INFN, Trieste )
/ALICE Collaboration
Abstract In this paper we investigate the influence of the leakage current on the performance of Silicon Drift Detectors. First, analytical considerations are given in order to highlight the problems, specific for this type of detector, that emerge with leakage current [...]
ALICE-INT-2000-09; CERN-ALICE-INT-2000-09.-
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 18 p.
Fulltext: PDF PS;