CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 2 zapisa  Pretraživanje je potrajalo 1.22 sekundi 
Capturing Acquired Wisdom, Enabling Healthful Aging, and Building Multinational Partnerships Through Senior Global Health Mentorship / Coleman, C Norman (International Cancer Expert Corps, Washington) ; Wong, John E (Singapore Natl. U.) ; Wendling, Eugenia (International Cancer Expert Corps, Washington) ; Gospodarowicz, Mary (Toronto U.) ; O'Brien, Donna (International Cancer Expert Corps, Washington) ; Ige, Taofeeq Abdallah (NMC, Abuja) ; Aruah, Simeon Chinedu (NMC, Abuja) ; Pistenmaa, David A (International Cancer Expert Corps, Washington ; Natl. Cancer Inst., Washington) ; Amaldi, Ugo (TERA, Novara) ; Balogun, Onyi-Onyinye (International Cancer Expert Corps, Washington ; Weill-Cornell Medical Center, New York City) et al.
An opportunity to have a substantial impact on multiple challenging societal problems exists in simultaneously addressing the following: (a) the urgent need for sustainable health care; (b) the importance of mentorship in enabling the emergence of new generations of leaders; (c) the essential need for cross-cultural competency1 to address global crises through problem solving across societal boundaries; and (d) options for continued productivity by the increasing number of older people. Sustainable health care needs to build on cancer care, which requires urgent intervention and encompasses noncommunicable and infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and geographically isolated populations in high-income countries (HICs). [...]
2020 - 12 p. - Published in : Global Health: Science and Practice 8 (2020) 626-637 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Changing the global radiation therapy paradigm / Pistenmaa, David A (International Cancer Expert Corps, Inc., Washington, DC, USA) ; Dosanjh, Manjit (CERN) ; Amaldi, Ugo (TERA, Novara) ; Jaffray, David (Toronto U. ; University Health Network, Canada) ; Zubizarreta, Eduardo (IAEA, Vienna) ; Holt, Katherine (Dept. of Energy, Wash., D.C.) ; Lievens, Yolande (Ghent University hospital, belgium ; European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, Brussels, Belgium) ; Pipman, Yakov (Medical Physics for World Benefit, USA) ; Coleman, C Norman (International Cancer Expert Corps, Inc., Washington, DC, USA)
2018 - 7 p. - Published in : Radiotherapy Oncology 128 (2018) 393-399

Također vidi: slična imena autora
1 Pistenmaa, D
1 Pistenmaa, D A
4 Pistenmaa, David
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