CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 34 zapisa  1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis: Pretraživanje je potrajalo 0.62 sekundi 
Design and Metrological Characterization of a Digitizer for the Highest Precision Magnet Powering in the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider / Beev, Nikolai (CERN ; Bratislava, Slovak Tech. U.) ; Cerqueira Bastos, Miguel (CERN) ; Martino, Michele (CERN) ; Valuch, Daniel (Bratislava, Slovak Tech. U. ; CERN) ; Palafox, Luis (Braunschweig, Phys. Tech. Bund.) ; Behr, Ralf (Braunschweig, Phys. Tech. Bund.)
A new digitizer, the HPM7177, which is a fundamental component of the signal chain for high precision measurement of particle accelerator magnet currents, is presented. It was designed to meet the unprecedented performance requirements for new 14 kA and 18 kA power converters (PCs) for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project at CERN, particularly in terms of low-frequency noise and stability. [...]
2024 - 10 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 73 (2024) 6501710 Fulltext: PDF;
Low-Frequency Analytical Model of Superconducting Magnet Impedance / Martino, Michele (CERN)
A superconducting magnet for particle accelerators is often modeled as an ideal inductor, as it indeed exhibits a completely negligible resistance; this is fully satisfactory, as an example, for control purposes, as the time constant formed by the magnet inductance and the resistance of normal conducting cables connecting it to the power converter accurately describe the essentially dominant dynamics of the circuit. Such a model would however fail to correctly represent the noise attenuation mechanism at play in practical superconducting magnets, which also include a vacuum pipe or a beam screen in the inner part of the aperture, an iron yoke on the outer part, and, potentially, a stainless steel or aluminum collar in between. [...]
CERN-ACC-2022-0011.- Geneva : CERN, 2022 - 13 p. - Published in : Model. Simul. Eng. 2022 (2022) 2105847 Fulltext: PDF;
A data-driven approach to model-reference control with applications to particle accelerator power converters / Nicoletti, Achille (CERN ; Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne) ; Martino, Michele (CERN) ; Karimi, Alireza (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne)
A new model-reference data-driven approach is presented which uses the frequency response data of a system in order to avoid the problem of unmodeled dynamics associated with low-order parametric models. It is shown that a convex optimization problem can be formulated (in either the ,H2,H1 or sense) to shape the closed-loop sensitivity functions while guaranteeing the closed-loop stability. [...]
2019 - 10 p. - Published in : Control Engineering Practice 83 (2019) 11-20
A Metrology-grade Digitizer for Power Converters in the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider / Beev, Nikolai (CERN) ; Cerqueira Bastos, Miguel (CERN) ; Martino, Michele (CERN) ; Valuch, Daniel (CERN)
The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider project at CERN requires performance improvements in the precision powering of magnets, in particular for the new Nb3Sn based Inner Triplet magnets that provide the final focusing of the hadron beams at the interaction points of the ATLAS and CMS detectors. This work presents a new digitizer, the HPM7177, which is part of the signal chain for high precision measurements of magnet current..
CERN-ACC-2022-0009.- Geneva : CERN, 2022
In : 2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Ottawa, Ca, 16 - 19 May 2022
Data‐driven approach to iterative learning control via convex optimisation / Nicoletti, Achille (CERN) ; Martino, Michele (CERN) ; Aguglia, Davide (CERN)
A new data-driven iterative learning control methodology is presented which uses the frequency response data of a system in order to avoid the problem of unmodelled dynamics associated with low-order parametric models. A convex optimisation problem is formulated to design the learning filters such that the convergence criterion is minimised. [...]
2020 - 10 p. - Published in : IET Control Theory & Applications 14 (2020) 972-981 Fulltext: PDF;
High Precision Digitizer for High Luminosity LHC / Bastos, Miguel (CERN) ; Beev, Nikolai (CERN) ; Martino, Michele (CERN)
One of the key elements of the HL-LHC project is the replacement of the magnets that focus the beams near the interaction points of ATLAS and CMS. [...]
Data-driven controller design using the CERN Power Converter Control Libraries (CCLIBS) / Nicoletti, Achille (CERN) ; Martino, Michele (CERN)
The data-driven control approach is a control methodology in which a controller is designed without the need of a model. Parametric uncertainties and the associated unmodeled dynamics are therefore irrelevant; the only source of uncertainty comes from the measurement process. [...]
CERN-ACC-2019-172.- 2019 - 3 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-TUPMP039 Preprint: PDF;
In : 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19 - 24 May 2019, pp.TUPMP039
Impact of flux jumps on high-precision powering of Nb3Sn superconducting magnets / Martino, Michele (CERN) ; Arpaia, Pasquale (CERN ; U. Naples (main)) ; Ierardi, Stefano (CERN ; U. Naples (main))
Nb3Sn superconducting magnets represent a technology enabler for future high-energy particle accelerators. A possible impediment, though, comes from flux jumps that, so far, could not be avoided by design unlike for NbTi technology. [...]
CERN-ACC-2019-187.- 2019 - 7 p. - Published in : (2019) , pp. TUPMP040
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J., C: 1350 (2019) , pp. 012180 Fulltext: PDF; Preprint: PDF;
In : 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19 - 24 May 2019, pp.TUPMP040
A Robust Data-Driven Controller Design Methodology With Applications to Particle Accelerator Power Converters / Nicoletti, Achille (CERN ; EPFL, Lausanne, FSL) ; Martino, Michele (CERN) ; Karimi, Alireza (EPFL, Lausanne, FSL)
A new data-driven approach using the frequency response function (FRF) of a system is proposed for designing robust-fixed structure digital controllers for particle accelerators' power converters. This design method ensures that the dynamics of a system are captured and avoid the problem of unmodeled dynamics associated with parametric models. [...]
2019 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (2019) 814 - 821
Update of beam dynamics requirements for HL-LHC electrical circuits / Gamba, Davide (CERN) ; Arduini, Gianluigi (CERN) ; Cerqueira Bastos, Miguel (CERN) ; Coello De Portugal - Martinez Vazquez, Jaime Maria (Universitat Politecnica Catalunya (ES)) ; De Maria, Riccardo (CERN) ; Giovannozzi, Massimo (CERN) ; Martino, Michele (CERN) ; Tomas Garcia, Rogelio (CERN)
Since the publication of the document providing the specifications of the new circuits of the HL-LHC (see CERN-ACC-2017-0101), using criteria based on beam dynamics considerations, more accurate performance expectations of the power converter technology have been made available. [...]
- 2019.
Full text

CERN Document Server : Pronađeno je 34 zapisa   1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis:
Također vidi: slična imena autora
2 MArtino, M D
24 Martino, M
2 Martino, M D
1 Martino, M.
4 Martino, Matthew C
4 Martino, Maurizio
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