CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 39 zapisa  1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis: Pretraživanje je potrajalo 0.67 sekundi 
Charged non-strange bosons with masses higher than 21.5 GeV as observed with the CERN boson spectrometer / Baud, R ; Benz, H ; Bosñjakovic, B ; Botterrill, D R ; Damgaard, G ; Focacci, M N ; Kienzle, W ; Klanner, R ; Lechanoine, G ; Martin, M et al.
- No date. - 18 p.
Confirmation of the Two-Peak Structure in the $A_{2}$ Meson in $\pi^{-}p$ at 2.6 GeV/c / Benz, H (Munich U.) ; Chikonavi, G E (Tbilisi, Inst. Phys.) ; Damgaard, C (Bohr Inst.) ; Focacci, M N (Geneva U.) ; Kienzle, W ; Lechanoine, C (Orsay) ; Martin, M (Geneva U.) ; Nef, C (Geneva U.) ; Schübelin, P (Bern U.) ; Baud, R (Geneva U.) et al.
Full text
Luminosity and background studies during the running-in phase of the ISR / Agoritsas, A ; Barbiellini, G ; Bosnjakovic, B ; Bott-Bodenhausen, M ; Laurelli, P ; Di Lella, L ; Ferro-Luzzi, M ; Minten, Adolf G ; Petrucci, G ; Potter, K et al.
- 1970. - 7 p.
Status and intentions CHLM collaboration / CERN-Holland-Lancaster-Manchester Collaboration
- 1973. - 5 p.
Apparatus experiment R-201 / CERN-Holland-Lancaster-Manchester Collaboration
- 1971. - 3 p.
Proposal for a measurement of the multiplicity and rapidity distribution of secondaries produced in diffractive proton-proton collisions at s = 500 and 1250 GeV$^{2}$ / CERN-Holland-Lancaster-Manchester Collaboration
- 1973. - 7 p.
Polarization in elastic proton-proton scattering between 0.86 and 2.74 GeV/c / Albrow, M G (CERN) ; Andersson, S (CERN) ; Almehed, S (CERN) ; Bosnjakovic, B (CERN) ; Daum, C (CERN) ; Erné, F C (CERN) ; Lagnaux, J P (CERN) ; Sens, Johannes C (CERN) ; Udo, Fred (CERN)
1970 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 23 (1970) 445-465
Longitudinal-momentum distributions for positive particles produced at small angles in proton-proton collisions at a cm energy of 446 GeV / Albrow, M G ; Barber, D P ; Bogaerts, A ; Bosnjakovic, B ; Brooks, J R ; Clegg, A B ; Erné, F C ; Gee, C N P ; Kanaris, A D ; Locke, D H et al.
Longitudinal-momentum spectra are presented for the production of K /sup +/ and pi /sup +/ mesons at the CERN ISR at a transverse momentum of 0.8 GeV/c and a total c.m. energy of 44.6 GeV. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 51 (1973) 388-96
The spectrum of protons produced in pp collisions at 31 GeV total energy / Albrow, M G ; Bagchus, A ; Barber, D P ; Bogaerts, A ; Bosnjakovic, B ; Brooks, J R ; Clegg, A B ; Erné, F C ; Gee, C N P ; Locke, D H et al.
Data are reported on the distributions in longitudinal and transverse momentum of protons produced in the range 0.5<x<1.0 (x=Feynman variable) and 0.2<p/sub T//sup 2/<1.8 (GeV/c)/sup 2/ in proton-proton collisions at 31 GeV c.m. energy at the CERN ISR. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 54 (1973) 6-16
Correlations associated with small angle protons produced in proton- proton collisions at 31 GeV total energy / Albrow, M G ; Bagchus, A ; Barber, D P ; Bogaerts, A ; Bosnjakovic, B ; Brooks, J R ; Clegg, A B ; Erné, F C ; Gee, C N P ; Locke, D H et al.
High energy inelastic protons with x=2 p/sub L//s/sup 1/2/>0.99 observed in 15.3/15.3 GeV proton-proton collisions at the CERN ISR are accompanied by particles whose angular distribution is confined to a narrow cone in the opposite direction. In contrast, lower energy protons (0.72<x<0.84) are accompanied in addition, by particles emitted at larger angles. [...]
1973 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 44 (1973) 207-10

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41 Bosñjakovic, B
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