CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 3 zapisa  Pretraživanje je potrajalo 0.79 sekundi 
Combination of measurements of the top quark mass from data collected by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at $\sqrt{s}=7$ and 8 TeV / ATLAS Collaboration
A combination of fifteen top quark mass measurements performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC is presented. The data sets used correspond to an integrated luminosity of up to 5 and 20$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, respectively. [...]
arXiv:2402.08713; CMS-TOP-22-001; ATLAS-TOPQ-2019-13; CERN-EP-2024-020.- 2024-06-27 - 37 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024) 261902 Fulltext: 2402.08713 - PDF; 6937cc72640d896305c353aa4c9dc646 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Physics Synopsis; Fermilab Library Server
Measurements of the suppression and correlations of dijets in Xe+Xe collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 5.44 TeV / ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of the suppression and correlations of dijets is performed using 3 $\mu$b$^{-1}$ of Xe+Xe data at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 5.44$ TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Dijets with jets reconstructed using the $R=0.4$ anti-$k_t$ algorithm are measured differentially in jet $p_{\text{T}}$ over the range of 32 GeV to 398 GeV and the centrality of the collisions. [...]
arXiv:2302.03967; CERN-EP-2023-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2023-08-09 - 25 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 108 (2023) 024906 Fulltext: ANA-HION-2018-28-PAPER - PDF; 2302.03967 - PDF; Publication - PDF; External link: Previous draft version
Evidence for the charge asymmetry in $pp \rightarrow t\bar{t}$ production at $\sqrt{s}= 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Inclusive and differential measurements of the top-antitop ($t\bar{t}$) charge asymmetry $A_\text{C}^{t\bar{t}}$ and the leptonic asymmetry $A_\text{C}^{\ell\bar{\ell}}$ are presented in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The measurement uses the complete Run 2 dataset, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$, combines data in the single-lepton and dilepton channels, and employs reconstruction techniques adapted to both the resolved and boosted topologies. [...]
arXiv:2208.12095; CERN-EP-2022-166.- Geneva : CERN, 2023-08-16 - 68 p. - Published in : JHEP 2308 (2023) 077 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2208.12095 - PDF; External link: Previous draft version

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306 Ames, Christoph
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