Selection and testing of 2000 photomultiplier tubes for the CMS-HF forward calorimeter
/ Gülmez, E ; Akgun, U ; Anderson, E W ; Ayan, A S ; Brücken, P ; Duru, F ; Mestvirishvili, A ; Miller, M ; Olson, J ; Önel, Y M (Univ. Iowa, Iowa City) et al.
The CMS-HF forward calorimeter has specific requirements for the construction and the operation of the detector. The phototubes suggested by several manufacturers were tested and Hamamatsu R7525HA photomultiplier tube conformed best to these requirements. [...]
In : 21st IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Como, Italy, 18 - 20 May 2004, pp.1870-2 (Vol.3)
Complete tests of 2000 Hamamatsu R7525HA Phototubes for the CMS-HF Forward Calorimeter
/ Akgun, Ugur ; Ayan, Ahmet Sedat ; Brücken, P ; Duru, Firdevs ; Gülmez, Erhan ; Mestvirishvili, Alexi ; Miller, Michael ; Olson, Jonathan ; Önel, Y M ; Schmidt, Ianos
Approximately 2000 PMTs will be used to detect the Cherenkov light generated in the fibers embedded in the CMS-HF Forward Calorimeter. Hamamatsu R7525HA PMT was chosen for this purpose. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2004
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Double - spin asymmetry (ALL) measurements in charmonium production at 200 GeV/c
/ Beddo, M E ; Akchurin, N ; Amura, N ; Belikov, N I ; Burleson, G R (Argonne National Laboratory) ; Bystrický, J ; Carey, D C ; Corcoran, M D ; Cossairt, D ; Derevshchikov, A A et al.
1991. - 47 p.
Comparison of PMTs From Three Different Manufacturers for the CMS-HF Forward Calorimeter
/ Akgun, Ugur (Iowa State U.) ; Anderson, E Walter (Iowa State U.) ; Ayan, Ahmet Sedat (Iowa U.) ; Gülmez, Erhan (Bogazici U.) ; Miller, Michael (Iowa U.) ; Önel, Y M (Iowa U.) ; Schmidt, Ianos (Iowa U.) ; Winn, Dave (Fairfield U.)
The builders of the CMS forward hadron calorimeter established a set of specifications for readout PMTs that reflected the physics goals and mechanical needs of the CMS experiment. Three manufacturers, Hamamatsu, Photonis (Philips), and Electron Tubes (EMI), provided candidate PMT based on these initial requirements. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2003
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Energy Resolution and the Linearity of the CMS Forward Quartz Fiber Calorimetry Pre-Production-Prototype (PPP-I)
/ Ayan, Ahmet Sedat (Iowa U.) ; Akchurin, Nural (Iowa State U.) ; Akgun, Ugur (Iowa U.) ; Anderson, E Walter (Iowa State U.) ; Bagoly, Zsolt (Moscow, ITEP) ; Bencze, Gyorgy (Budapest, RMKI) ; Brücken, P (Iowa State U.) ; Debreczeni, Gergely (Budapest, RMKI) ; Dumanoglu, Isa (Cukurova U.) ; Eskut, Eda (Cukurova U.) et al.
The first pre-production-prototype (PPP-I) of the quartz fiber calorimeter of the CMS detector has been tested at CERN.The calorimeter consists of quartz fibers embedded in an iron matrix. Results are presented on the energy resolution of the prototype for electron and pions and the signal uniformity and linearity..
Geneva : CERN, 2003
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Preliminary Results from in Situ Quartz Fiber Neutron Irradiations
/ Akchurin, Nural (University of Iowa, Department of Physics, USA) ; Anderson, W (Iowa State University, Department of Physics, Ames, USA) ; Ayan, S (Middle East Technical University Department of Physics, Ankara, Turkey) ; Ayan, S (University of Iowa, Department of Physics, USA) ; Bencze, Gyorgy (KFKI-RMKI, Budapest, Hungary) ; Dumano, I (Cukurova University, Department of Physics, Adana, Turkey) ; Fenyvesi, Andras (ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary) ; Hauptman, John M (Iowa State University, Department of Physics, Ames, USA) ; Merlo, Jean-Pierre (University of Iowa, Department of Physics, USA) ; Miller, Michael (University of Iowa, Department of Physics, USA) et al.
Optical transmission characteristics of multi-mode synthetic silica-core fibers between 325 nm and 800 nm were studied in situ while irradiated with neutrons. In one case, fiber samples were placed in the core of a 10-kWatt reactor; in the other, fast neutrons generated by p ( 18 MeV) + Be reaction in a cyclotron, irradiated the fibers. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1998
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