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CERN Document Server 232 notices trouvées  1 - 10suivantfin  aller vers la notice: La recherche a duré 0.72 secondes. 
Linear collider workshop SLAC - 13-21 october 1993 / Hübner, K ; Schnell, W
CERN-PS-DI-Note-93-28; CLIC-Note-216.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 10 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Cooling and vibration in the CLIC main accelerating structure / Schnell, W
CERN-PS-RF-Note-2001-002; CLIC-Note-468.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 5 p. Fulltext: PDF;
The feasibility of using the PS as an injector for "Project B" RF problems / Möhl, D ; Schnell, W ; Sørenssen, A ; Zettler, C
CERN-MPS-DL-70-6.- Geneva : CERN, 1970 - 12 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Zero-point shifting by correction windings : Booster quadrupole / Schnell, G W
- 1969. - 22 p.
Full text
Open presentation of the LEP project / Darriulat, P (CERN) ; Schnell, W (CERN) ; Adams, J B (CERN)
1980. - 132 p.
French - English
Remarks on the Phase Lock System of the CERN Proton Synchrotron / Schnell, W (CERN)
1959 - 4 p. Published version: PDF;
In : 2nd International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators and Instrumentation, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 14 - 19 Sep 1959, pp.485-488
Brainstorming Session on the Feasibility of Multibunching for CLIC / Amaldi, U ; Braun, H ; Delahaye, J P ; Guignard, G ; Hubner, K ; Millich, A ; Napoly, O ; Schnell, W ; Thorndahl, L ; Warner, D et al.
- 1994 - 104.
Full text
Note on the application of the Hall effect to compute the frequency program for a proton-synchrotron / Schmelzer, Ch ; Schnell, W
- 1953. - 6 p.
Longitudinal stabilization of bunched beams in the ISR by a higher harmonic cavity / Keil, E (CERN) ; Hansen, S (CERN) ; Hofmann, A (CERN) ; Peschardt, E (CERN) ; Schnell, W (CERN) ; Frischholz, H (CERN)
CERN-ISR-RF-TH-77-41; ISR-RF-TH-77-41.- Geneva : CERN, 1977 - 8 p. Report Fulltext: PDF; Published version: PDF;
In : 10th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Protvino, USSR, 11 - 17 Jul 1977, pp.36-42
About the feasibility of stochastic damping in the ISR / Schnell, W
CERN-ISR-RF-72-46 ; ISR-RF-72-46.
- 1972 - 8.
Fulltext from KEK

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209 Schnell, Wolfgang
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