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CERN Document Server 103 notices trouvées  1 - 10suivantfin  aller vers la notice: La recherche a duré 0.59 secondes. 
High-$p_{T}$ direct photon production in pp collisions / Anassontzis, E ; Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang ; Ferbel, T ; Karabarbounis, A ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Lissauer, D ; Mannelli, I ; Molzon, W ; Mouzourakis, P ; Nappi, A et al.
Direct photon and neutral-pion production have been measured in pp collisions at the CERN ISR for 30< \sqrt{s}<63 GeV and transverse momenta up to 12 GeV/c. The direct photon signal relative to neutral- pion production increases with p/sub T/ and shows little \sqrt{s}-dependence. [...]
1982 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 13 (1982) 277-89
Construction, assembly and tests of the ATLAS electromagnetic barrel calorimeter / Aubert, B ; Beaugiraud, B ; Colas, Jacques ; Delebecque, P ; Di Ciaccio, L ; El-Kacimi, M ; Ghez, P ; Girard, C ; Gouanère, M ; Goujdami, D et al. /ATLAS Electromagnetic Liquid-Argon Calorimeter Group
The construction and assembly of the two half barrels of the ATLAS central electromagnetic calorimeter and their insertion into the barrel cryostat are described. The results of the qualification tests of the calorimeter before installation in the LHC ATLAS pit are given..
CERN-PH-EP-2005-034.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 77 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 558 (2006) 388-418 Fulltext: PDF;
A measurement of direct photon production at large p/sub T/ at the CERN ISR / Diakonou, M ; Cnops, A M ; Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang ; Fields, T ; Filippas-Tassos, A ; Fokitis, E ; Fowler, E C ; Hood, D M ; Kourkoumelis, C ; Lissauer, D et al.
The authors have measured direct photon production in pp collisions at the CERN intersecting storage rings for c.m. energies 31< square root s<63 GeV and transverse momenta up to 9 GeV/c, using segmented lead /liquid-argon calorimeters. [...]
1980 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 91 (1980) 296-300
A study of the production of high-p/sub T/ pi /sup 0/s at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings / Kourkoumelis, C ; Cnops, A M ; Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang ; Fields, T ; Filippas-Tassos, A ; Fokitis, E ; Iwata, S ; Lissauer, D ; Mannelli, I ; Mouzourakis, P et al.
The inclusive cross-section for pi /sup 0/ production near 90 degrees in pp collisions at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings has been studied fro the p/sub T/ range 3<P/sub T/<16 GeV/c at four different centre-of-mass energies ( square root s=30.6, 44.8, 52.7, and 62.8 Ge V). In this experiment the two photons from the pi /sup O/ to gamma gamma decay were resolved and measured separately for p/sub T/ values up to 10 GeV/c. [...]
1980 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 5 (1980) 95-104
The cross-section for $J/\Psi$ production in proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies between 23 and 63 GeV / Cobb, J H (BNL, NSLS) ; Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang (CERN) ; Goldberg, M (Syracuse U.) ; Horwitz, N (Syracuse U.) ; Iwata, S (BNL, NSLS) ; Kourkoumelis, C (Yale U.) ; Lankford, A J (Yale U.) ; Mannelli, I (CERN) ; Moneti, G C (Syracuse U.) ; Nakamura, K (CERN) et al.
The cross-section for J/ psi production in proton-proton collisions has been measured as a function of centre-of-mass energy at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings by observing its decay into electron- positron pairs. This cross-section is found to rise by a factor of about six over the full centre-of-mass energy range from square root s =23 to square root s=63 GeV. [...]
PRINT-77-0302-CERN.- 1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 68 (1977) 101-4 Fulltext: PDF;
The cross section for the production of massive electron pairs and the Upsilon (9.5 GeV) in proton-proton collisions at the CERN ISR / Cobb, J H (Brookhaven) ; Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang (CERN) ; Fowler, E C (CERN ; Purdue U.) ; Goldberg, M (Syracuse U.) ; Horwitz, N (Syracuse U.) ; Iwata, S (Brookhaven ; Nagoya U.) ; Kourkoumelis, C (Yale U.) ; Lankford, A J (Yale U.) ; Mannelli, I (CERN ; INFN, Pisa ; Pisa U.) ; Moneti, G C (Syracuse U.) et al.
Measurements of the cross section for the production of electron pairs with invariant masses between 4 and 8.7 GeV are presented as a function of the centre-of-mass energy ( square root s=28 to square root s=62 GeV) of the colliding proton beams. A significant excess of events is observed in the region 8.7 to 10.3 GeV; these are ascribed to the Upsilon (9.5 GeV) resonances and estimates of the production cross sections are given. [...]
1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 72 (1977) 273-8
Correlations of high transverse momentum pi /sup 0/ pairs produced at the CERN ISR / Kourkoumelis, C ; Cnops, A M ; Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang ; Fields, T ; Filippas-Tassos, A ; Fokitis, E ; Goldberg, M ; Horwitz, N ; Iwata, S ; Lissauer, D et al.
Correlations of two pi /sup 0/ mesons with transverse momenta up to 10 GeV/c have been measured utilizing apparatus with large azimuthal acceptance. The data are analysed in the context of constituent scattering models, and also compared with a simple 'background' hypothesis. [...]
1979 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 158 (1979) 39-56
Observed differences in event structures of high-p and single photon events produced in pp collisions in the CERN ISR / Rahm, David Charles
In : 20th International Conference on High-energy Physics, v.1, Madison, WI, USA, 17 - 23 Jul 1980, pp.140-143
Signal feedthroughs for the ATLAS barrel and endcap calorimeters / Axen, D A (British Columbia U.) ; Hackenburg, R W (Brookhaven) ; Hoffman, A (Brookhaven) ; Kane, S (Brookhaven) ; Lissauer, D (Brookhaven) ; Makowiecki, D S (Brookhaven) ; Müller, T (Brookhaven) ; Pate, D (Brookhaven) ; Radeka, V (Brookhaven) ; Rahm, David Charles (Brookhaven) et al.
The construction of the signal feedthroughs for the barrel and endcap ATLAS liquid argon calorimeters is described. [...]
ATL-LARG-2004-013 ; ATL-COM-LARG-2004-015 ; CERN-ATL-COM-LARG-2004-015.
- 2005. - 15 p.
Access to fulltext - Access to fulltext
Memorandum : R806-R807 single photon correlation studies / Jarlskog, G ; Rahm, David Charles ; Willis, W J
- 1979. - 7 p.
Fulltext - CERN library copies

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8 Rahm, D
3 Rahm, D C
10 Rahm, D.
3 Rahm, D.C.
222 Rahm, David
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