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SN 2023ixf -- an average-energy explosion with circumstellar medium and a precursor / Kozyreva, Alexandra (HITS, Heidelberg) ; Caputo, Andrea (CERN ; Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Baklanov, Petr (Kurchatov Inst., Moscow ; Lebedev Inst. ; Sternberg Astron. Inst.) ; Mironov, Alexey (Sternberg Astron. Inst.) ; Janka, Hans-Thomas (Garching, Max Planck Inst.)
Abridged: The fortunate proximity of the SN2023ixf allowed astronomers to follow its evolution from almost the moment of the collapse of the progenitor's core. SN2023ixf can be explained as an explosion of a massive star with an energy of 0.7e51 erg, however with a greatly reduced envelope mass, probably because of binary interaction. [...]
arXiv:2410.19939.- 2024-10-25 - 14 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 694 (2025) A319 Fulltext: PDF;
Observation of the doubly charmed baryon decay Ξ++ccΞ+cπ+ / LHCb Collaboration
The Ξ++ccΞ+cπ+ decay is observed using proton-proton collisions collected by the LHCb experiment at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.4fb1. The Ξ++ccΞ+cπ+ decay is reconstructed partially, where the photon from the Ξ+cΞ+cγ decay is not reconstructed and the pKπ+ final state of the Ξ+c baryon is employed. [...]
arXiv:2202.05648; LHCb-PAPER-2021-052; CERN-EP-2022-016.- 2022-05-06 - 19 p. - Published in : JHEP 2205 (2022) 038 Fulltext: LHCb-PAPER-2021-052_to_arXiv_ - PDF; 2202.05648 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP; Supplementary information: ZIP;
Constraints on the CKM angle γ from B±Dh± decays using Dh±hπ0 final states / LHCb Collaboration
A data sample collected with the LHCb detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb1, is used to measure CP observables in B±Dh± decays, where h() is either a kaon or a pion, and the neutral D meson decay is reconstructed in the three-body final states K±ππ0, π±ππ0, and K±Kπ0. The most suppressed of these modes, B±[π±Kπ0]DK±, is observed with a significance greater than seven standard deviations and constraints on the CKM angle γ are calculated from the combination of the measurements..
arXiv:2112.10617; LHCb-PAPER-2021-036; CERN-EP-2021-255; LHCB-PAPER-2021-036.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-07-15 - 24 p. - Published in : JHEP 2207 (2022) 099 Fulltext: 2112.10617 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Identification of charm jets at LHCb / LHCb Collaboration
The identification of charm jets is achieved at LHCb for data collected in 2015-2018 using a method based on the properties of displaced vertices reconstructed and matched with jets. The performance of this method is determined using a dijet calibration dataset recorded by the LHCb detector and selected such that the jets are unbiased in quantities used in the tagging algorithm. [...]
arXiv:2112.08435; LHCb-DP-2021-006.- 2022-02-22 - 22 p. - Published in : JINST 17 (2022) P02028 Fulltext: 2112.08435 - PDF; Aaij_2022_J._Inst._17_P02028 - PDF; document - PDF;
Observation of Λ0bD+pππ and Λ0bD+pππ decays / LHCb Collaboration
The multihadron decays Λ0bD+pππ and Λ0bD+pππ are observed in data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3fb1, collected in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8TeV by the LHCb detector. Using the decay Λ0bΛ+cπ+ππ as a normalisation channel, the ratio of branching fractions is measured to be
arXiv:2112.02013; LHCb-PAPER-2021-040; CERN-EP-2021-237; LHCB-PAPER-2021-040.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-03-23 - 30 p. - Published in : JHEP 2203 (2022) 153 Fulltext: 2112.02013 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Searches for rare B0s and B0 decays into four muons / LHCb Collaboration
Searches for rare B0s and B0 decays into four muons are performed using proton-proton collision data recorded by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb1. Direct decays and decays via light scalar and J/ψ resonances are considered. [...]
arXiv:2111.11339; LHCb-PAPER-2021-039; CERN-EP-2021-236.- 2022-03-17 - 27 p. - Published in : JHEP 2203 (2022) 109 Fulltext: 2111.11339 - PDF; document - PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Study of B+c decays to charmonia and three light hadrons / LHCb Collaboration
Using proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9fb1 collected with the LHCb detector, seven decay modes of the B+c meson into a J/ψ or ψ(2S) meson and three charged hadrons, kaons or pions, are studied. The decays B+c(ψ(2S)J/ψπ+π)π+, B+cψ(2S)π+π+π, B+cJ/ψK+π+π and B+cJ/ψK+K+K are observed for the first time, and evidence for the B+cψ(2S)K+Kπ+ decay is found, where J/ψ and ψ(2S) mesons are reconstructed in their dimuon decay modes. [...]
arXiv:2111.03001; LHCb-PAPER-2021-034; CERN-EP-2021-216; LHCB-PAPER-2021-034.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-01-13 - 28 p. - Published in : JHEP 2201 (2022) 065 Fulltext: 2111.03001 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Search for massive long-lived particles decaying semileptonically at s=13 TeV / LHCb Collaboration
A search is performed for massive long-lived particles (LLP) decaying semileptonically into a muon and two quarks. Two kinds of LLP production processes were considered. [...]
arXiv:2110.07293; LHCb-PAPER-2021-028; CERN-EP-2021-186; LHCB-PAPER-2021-028.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-04-28 - 31 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 82 (2022) 373 Fulltext: 2110.07293 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP; Supplementary information: ZIP;
Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters / LHCb Collaboration
A combination of measurements sensitive to the CP violation angle γ of the Cabibbo--Kobayashi--Maskawa unitarity triangle and to the charm mixing parameters that describe oscillations between D0 and ¯D0 mesons is performed. Results from the charm and beauty sectors, based on data collected with the LHCb detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, are combined for the first time. [...]
arXiv:2110.02350; LHCb-PAPER-2021-033; CERN-EP-2021-183; LHCB-PAPER-2021-033.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-12-21 - 32 p. - Published in : JHEP 2112 (2021) 141 Fulltext: 2110.02350 - PDF; document - PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP;
Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξ+cc in the Ξ+cππ+ final state / LHCb Collaboration
A search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξ+cc is performed in the Ξ+cππ+ invariant-mass spectrum, where the Ξ+c baryon is reconstructed in the pKπ+ final state. The study uses proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 5.4fb1. [...]
arXiv:2109.07292; LHCb-PAPER-2021-019; CERN-EP-2021-155; LHCB-PAPER-2021-019.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-12-16 - 27 p. - Published in : JHEP 2112 (2021) 107 Fulltext: 2109.07292 - PDF; document - PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP; Supplementary information: ZIP;

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