CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 12 registros  1 - 10siguiente  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.53 segundos. 
Pentaquark search at HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-04-51 ; DESY-HERMES-04-52 ; DESY-HERMES-2004-51 ; DESY-HERMES-2004-52.
- 2004. - 4 p.
The spin structure of the nucleon as seen by HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-05-05 ; DESY-HERMES-2005-05.
- 2005. - 7 p.
Current status and future measurements of DVCS at HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-05-01 ; DESY-HERMES-2005-01.
- 2004. - 4 p.
Exclusive electroproduction of pions and of vector mesons at HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-04-57 ; DESY-HERMES-2004-57.
- 2004. - 4 p.
Exclusive electro-production of pions and vector mesons at HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-2004-50.- Hamburg : DESY, 2005 - 4 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 146 (2005) 62-65
In : International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics, Cala Gonone, Italy, 18 - 23 Sep 2004, pp.62-65
Physics at HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-04-49 ; DESY-HERMES-2004-49.
- 2004. - 9 p.
Flavor decomposition of the nucleon's spin at HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-04-45 ; DESY-HERMES-2004-45.
- 2004. - 6 p.
The HERMES experiment / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-04-44 ; DESY-HERMES-2004-44.
- 2004. - 16 p.
Flavor decomposition of the quark helicity distributions in the nucleon from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-04-43 ; DESY-HERMES-2004-43.
- 2004. - 4 p.
Azimuthal single-spin asymmetries on a transversely polarized hydrogen target at HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-HERMES-04-40; DESY-HERMES-2004-40.- Hamburg : DESY, 2004 - 4 p.
In : 16th International Spin Physics Symposium, Trieste, Italy, 10 - 16 Oct 2004, pp.365-369

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