CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 192 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.58 segundos. 
Mössbauer and μSR studies of the rare earth magnetic ordering in high $T_c$ superconductors / de Reotier, P Dalmas (Grenoble, INP) ; Vulliet, P (Grenoble, INP ; Joseph Fourier U.) ; Yaouanc, A (Grenoble, INP) ; Hartmann, O (Uppsala U.) ; Karlsson, E (Uppsala U.) ; Wappling, R (Uppsala U.) ; Chaudouet, P ; Garçon, S (Joseph Fourier U., ENSEIG/INPG) ; Senateur, J P (Grenoble, ENSPG) ; Weiss, F (Grenoble, ENSPG) et al.
We have studied the magnetism of the Gd sub-lattice by μSR and $^{155}$Gd Mössbauer spectroscopy from 65 mK to 3 K. The normalized local magnetic field at the two nuclear probes has the same temperature dependence which strongly deviates from a Curie-Weiss mean field behavior. [...]
1988 - 2 p. - Published in : Physica C 153-155 (1988) 1541-1542
In : International Conference on High-temperature Superconductors and Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Interlaken, Switzerland, 29 Feb - 4 Mar 1988, pp.1541-1542
Letter of intention : A low-momentum muon beam for $\mu$SR studies / Bucci, L (U. Parma) ; Guidi, G (U. Parma) ; Hartmann, O (Uppsala U.) ; Karlsson, E (Uppsala U.) ; De'Munari, G M (U. Parma) ; Niinikoski, T O (CERN) ; Norlin, L O (Uppsala U.) ; Podini, P (U. Parma) ; Tedeschi, R (U. Parma)
- 1977. - 6 p.
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Theoretical Models for the Cooling Power and Base Temperature of Dilution Refrigerators / Wikus, Patrick (MIT, MKI) ; Niinikoski, Tapio O (CERN)
He-3/He-4 dilution refrigerators are widely used for applications requiring continuous cooling at temperatures below approximately 300 mK. Despite of the popularity of these devices in low temperature physics, the thermodynamic relations underlying the cooling mechanism of He-3/He-4 refrigerators are very often incorrectly used. [...]
2010 - Published in : J. Low Temp. Phys. 158 (2010) 901-921
Recent progress in CERN RD39 : Radiation hard cryogenic silicon detectors for applications in LHC experiments and their future upgrades / Tuominen, E (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Anbinderis, P (Vilnius U.) ; Anbinderis, T (Vilnius U.) ; Bates, R (Glasgow U.) ; de Boer, W (Karlsruhe U., EKP) ; Borchi, E (Florence U.) ; Bruzzi, M (Florence U.) ; Buttar, C (Glasgow U.) ; Chen, W (Brookhaven) ; Cindro, V (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) et al.
CERN RD39 Collaboration develops radiation-hard cryogenic silicon detectors. Recently, we have demonstrated improved radiation hardness in novel Current Injected Detectors (CID). [...]
2009 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 56 (2009) 2119-2123 IEEE Published version, local copy: PDF;
Development of cryogenic tracking detectors for very high luminosity experiments / Härkönen, J (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Anbinderis, P (Vilnius U.) ; Anbinderis, T (Vilnius U.) ; Bates, R (Glasgow U.) ; de Boer, W (Karlsruhe U., EKP) ; Borchi, E (Florence U., Dip. di Energetica) ; Bruzzi, M (Florence U., Dip. di Energetica) ; Buttar, C (Glasgow U.) ; Chen, W (Brookhaven) ; Cindro, V (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) et al.
Experimental results and simulations of Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) of Current Injected Detectors (CIDs) are focused. CID is a concept where the current is limited by the space charge. [...]
2009 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 607 (2009) 41-44
Diffusion of positive muons in some cubic metals / Hartmann, O (Swedish Inst. Phys., Uppsala) ; Karlsson, E (Swedish Inst. Phys., Uppsala) ; Pernestål, K (Swedish Inst. Phys., Uppsala) ; Borghini, M (CERN) ; Niinikoski, T O (CERN) ; Norlin, L O (CERN)
Geneva : CERN, 1977 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. A 61 (1977) 141-142 Fulltext: PDF;
Thin Cryogenic X-ray Windows / Niinikoski, T O (CERN) ; Bellanger, B (CERN) ; Davenport, M (CERN) ; Elias, N (CERN) ; Aune, S (Saclay ; DSM, DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Franz, J (Freiburg U.)
We describe the construction and tests of cryogenic X-ray windows of 47 mm diameter made of 15 ìm thick polypropylene foil glued on a UHV flange and supported with a strongback mesh machined by electro-erosion. These hermetic windows of the solar axion telescope of the CAST experiment at CERN withstand the static and dynamic pressures of the buffer gas that are normally below 130 mbar, but may reach 1.2 bar when the magnet quenches. [...]
CERN-AT-2008-034.- Geneva : CERN, 2009 - 7 p. Fulltext: CERN-AT-2008-034 - PDF; 001 ICEC 22 - 871 - PDF;
In : 22nd International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2008, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 21 - 25 Jul 2008, pp.871-876
RD39 Status Report 2008 / RD39 Collaboration
RD39 Status Report 2008
CERN-LHCC-2008-019 ; LHCC-SR-001.
- 2008.
RD39 Status Report 2007 / RD39 Collaboration
CERN-LHCC-2007-028 ; LHCC-RD-014.
- 2007. - 30 p.
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The Cryogenic Transient Current Technique (C-TCT) measurement setup of CERN RD39 Collaboration / Härkönen, J (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland) ; Eremin, V (Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia) ; Verbitskaya, E (Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia) ; Czellar, S (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland) ; Pusa, P (Univ. of Helsinki, Finland) ; Li, Z (BNL, Upton, USA) ; Niinikoski, T O (CERN)
The CERN RD39 Collaboration has constructed a Transient Current Technique (TCT) measurement setup, which is capable to operate below liquid nitrogen temperatures. By analyzing the current transients, it is possible to extract the full depletion voltage, effective trapping time, electric field distribution and the sign of the space charge in the silicon bulk. [...]
2007 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 581 (2007) 347-350
In : 11th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, Austria, 19 - 24 Feb 2007, pp.347-350

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14 Niinikoski, T
27 Niinikoski, T.
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135 Niinikoski, Tapio
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