CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 108 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.75 segundos. 
A new measurement of the cross section for "$\pi^{-}p \rightarrow$ all neutral" from 0.7 to 1.6 GeV/c. / Bizard, G ; Déclais, Y ; Duchon, J ; Laville, J L ; Séguinot, J ; Bricman, C ; Perreau, J M ; Valladas, C
- 1970. - 8 p.
Vaporization of the Ar + Ni system studied with the 4$\pi$ multidetector INDRA / Bacri, C O ; Borderie, B ; Charvet, J L ; Dayras, R ; López, O ; Ouatizerga, A ; Rivet, M F ; Auger, G ; Benkirane, A ; Benlliure, J et al.
- 1994. - 18 p.
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Can we really measure the internal energy of hot nuclei with a 4$\pi$ detection array ? / Vient, E ; Genouin-Duhamel, E ; Steckmeyer, J C ; Auger, G ; Bacri, C O ; Bellaize, N ; Borderie, B ; Bougault, R ; Bouriquet, B ; Butà, A et al.
- 2001. - 25 p.
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Indra Et Les Noyaux Chauds : Bilan Et Perspectives / Auger, G ; Bacri, C O ; Borderie, B ; Bougault, R ; Brou, R ; Charvet, J L ; Chbihi, A ; Colin, J ; Cussol, D ; Dayras, R et al.
- 1999. - 16 p.
IN2P3 Publications database
Evidence For Dynamical Proton Emission In Xe+sn Collisions At 50 Mev/u / Germain, M ; Gourio, D ; Eudes, P ; Laville, J L ; Ardouin, D ; Assenard, M ; Lautridou, P ; Lebrun, C ; Métivier, V ; Rahmani, A et al.
IN2P3 Publications database
The Physics Of Hot Nuclei Studied With INDRA / Auger, G ; Bacri, C O ; Bellaize, N ; Bocage, F ; Borderie, B ; Bougault, R ; Brou, R ; Buchet, P ; Chbihi, A ; Colin, J et al.
- 1999.
IN2P3 Publications database
A Scenario For Expanding Multifragmenting Source In 50 A.mev Xe + Sn Reactions / Wieleczko, J P ; Bougault, R ; D'Agostino, M ; Friedman, W A ; Le Neindre, N ; Gulminelli, F ; Chbihi, A ; Salou, S ; Auger, G ; Bacri, C O et al.
- 1999.
IN2P3 Publications database
Caloric Curves Of Hot Nuclei Formed In Reactions Induced By 50 Mev/u Xe And 52-95 Mev/u Ar Projectiles / Péter, J ; Assenard, M ; Gulminelli, F ; Ma, Y G ; Siwekl, A ; Auger, G ; Bacri, C O ; Benlliure, J ; Bisquer, E ; Bocage, F et al.
IN2P3 Publications database
Impact Parameter And Source Selected Correlation Functions With A 4(pi) Multidetector / Gouiro, D ; Reposeur, T ; Assenard, M ; Germain, M ; Ardouin, D ; Eudes, P ; Latridou, P ; Laville, J L ; Lebrun, C ; Métivier, V et al.
- 1997.
IN2P3 Publications database
Excitation energy and angular momentum of quasiprojectiles produced in the Xe + Sn collisions at incident energies between 25 and 50 MeV/nucleon / INDRA Collaboration
LPCC-2000-010 ; LYCEN-2000-64.
- 2000. - 34 p.
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