CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 14 registros  1 - 10siguiente  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.60 segundos. 
LHC Signatures of Flavoured Dark Matter [25'+10'] / Blanke, Monika (speaker) (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
2024 - 2334. Workshops; Roadmap of Dark Matter models for Run 3 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Roadmap of Dark Matter models for Run 3
Heavy flavour theory / Blanke, Monika (speaker) (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
2022 - 1858. Conferences; 10th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference External links: Talk details; Event details In : 10th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference
Unveiling Hidden Physics at the LHC / Fischer, Oliver (Liverpool U.) ; Mellado, Bruce (U. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Sch. Phys. ; iThemba LABS) ; Antusch, Stefan (Basel U.) ; Bagnaschi, Emanuele (PSI, Villigen) ; Banerjee, Shankha (CERN) ; Beck, Geoff (U. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Sch. Phys. ; iThemba LABS) ; Belfatto, Benedetta (Pisa U. ; INFN, Pisa) ; Bellis, Matthew (Siena Coll., Loudonville) ; Berezhiani, Zurab (L'Aquila U. ; INFN, Aquila) ; Blanke, Monika (KIT, Karlsruhe ; KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) et al.
The field of particle physics is at the crossroads. The discovery of a Higgs-like boson completed the Standard Model (SM), but the lacking observation of convincing resonances Beyond the SM (BSM) offers no guidance for the future of particle physics. [...]
arXiv:2109.06065.- 2022-08-03 - 109 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C Fulltext: 2109.06065 - PDF; document - PDF;
In : Unveiling hidden Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC, Online, 1 - 3 Mar 2021
Introduction to Flavour Physics and CP Violation / Blanke, Monika (KIT, Karlsruhe, IKP ; KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP)
These lecture notes provide an introduction to the theoretical concepts of flavour physics and CP violation, based on a series of lectures given at the ESHEP 2016 summer school. In the first lecture we review the basics of flavour and CP violation in the Standard Model. [...]
TTP17-017; arXiv:1704.03753; TTP17-017.- 2017 - 30 p. - Published in : 10.23730/CYRSP-2017-005.71 Preprint: PDF;
In : 2016 European School of High-Energy Physics, pp.71-100
Phenomenological aspects of flavoured dark matter / Blanke, Monika (CERN ; Karlsruhe, Forschungszentrum ; Karlsruhe U., TTP)
Flavour symmetries in the dark sector are a theoretically motivated and phenomenologically appealing concept. The dark matter particle can be stabilised with the help of flavour symmetries, without the need to introduce an additional discrete symmetry by hand. [...]
arXiv:1508.06179; CERN-PH-TH-2015-207; TTP15-032.- Geneva Geneva : CERN, CERN, 2015 - 7 p. - Published in : PoS EPS-HEP2015 (2015) 390 Fulltext: PDF; Published version from PoS: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2015, Vienna, Austria, 22 - 29 Jul 2015, pp.390
Quark flavour observables in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity after LHC Run 1 / Blanke, Monika (CERN ; KIT, Karlsruhe, IKP ; KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP) ; Buras, Andrzej J. (Munich, Tech. U. ; TUM-IAS, Munich) ; Recksiegel, Stefan (Munich, Tech. U.)
The Littlest Higgs Model with T-parity (LHT) belongs to the simplest new physics scenarios with new sources of flavour and CP violation. We present a new analysis of quark observables in the LHT model in view of the oncoming flavour precision era. [...]
arXiv:1507.06316; CERN-PH-TH-2015-158; TTP15-023; FLAVOUR(267104)-ERC-104; CERN-PH-TH-2015-158; TTP15-023; FLAVOUR(267104)-ERC-104.- Geneva : CERN, 2016-04-02 - 34 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 7 (2016) 6 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
Non-minimally flavour violating dark matter / Blanke, Monika (CERN ; KIT, Karlsruhe, IKP ; KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP)
Flavour symmetries provide an appealing mechanism to stabilize the dark matter particle. I present a simple model of quark flavoured dark matter that goes beyond the framework of minimal flavour violation. [...]
CERN-PH-TH-2015-028; TTP15-004; arXiv:1502.03385; CERN-PH-TH-2015-028; TTP15-004.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-07-30 - 9 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 631 (2015) 012022 IOP Open Access article: PDF; Preprint: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 4th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, London, UK, 2 - 6 Dec 2014, pp.012022
Flavoured Dark Matter Beyond MFV / Blanke, Monika (CERN ; KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP ; KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP)
We review a model of quark flavoured dark matter with new flavour violating interactions. This simplified model describes Dirac fermionic dark matter that is charged under a new U(3) flavour symmetry and couples to right-handed down quarks via a scalar mediator. [...]
arXiv:1412.3589; CERN-PH-TH-2014-257; TTP14-037.- 2014 - 9 p. - Published in : PoS FWNP (2014) 011 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : Flavorful Ways to New Physics, Freudenstadt - Lauterbad, Germany, 28 - 31 Oct 2014, pp.011
Flavour Physics Beyond the Standard Model: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives / Blanke, Monika (CERN ; KIT, Karlsruhe, IKP ; KIT, Karlsruhe, TTP)
Flavour physics plays a crucial role in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). [...]
CERN-PH-TH-2014-240 ; TTP14-033 ; arXiv:1412.1003 ; CERN-PH-TH-2014-240 ; TTP14-033.
- 2014. - 13 p.
Preprint - Preprint
Flavored dark matter beyond Minimal Flavor Violation / Agrawal, Prateek (Fermilab) ; Blanke, Monika (CERN) ; Gemmler, Katrin (Fermilab)
We study the interplay of flavor and dark matter phenomenology for models of flavored dark matter interacting with quarks. We allow an arbitrary flavor structure in the coupling of dark matter with quarks. [...]
arXiv:1405.6709; CERN-PH-TH-2014-098; FERMILAB-PUB-14-141-T; CERN-PH-TH-2014-098; FERMILAB-PUB-14-141-T.- 2014-10-13 - 46 p. - Published in : JHEP 10 (2014) 072 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available); Fulltext

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12 Blanke, M
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