CERN Accelerating science

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Quasimolecular K x-ray excitation by bombarding Zr, Nb and Mo targets with 96 MeV Nb ions / Frank, W ; Bodan, H ; Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Schulze, W ; Tretyakov, Yu P
- 1975. - 8 p.
On Completeness Of Root Functions Of Elliptic Boundary Problems In Domain With Conical Points On The Boundary / Egorov, Y V ; Kondratev, V A ; Schulze, Bert Wolfgang
Isomer separation of 70gCu and 70mCu with a resonance ionization laser ion source / ISOLDE Collaboration
Radioactive copper isotopes were ionized with the resonance ionization laser ion source at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE (CERN). Using the different hyperfine structure in the 3d/sup 10/ 4s /sup 2/S/sub 1/2/-3d/sup 10/ 4p /sup 2/P/sub 1/2//sup 0/ transition the low- and high-spin isomers of /sup 70/Cu were selectively enhanced by tuning the laser wavelength. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 160 (2000) 528-35
A j-forbidden isomeric transition in 204 At / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Neubert, W ; Schulze, W ; Stary, F
- 1974. - 11 p.
Quasimolecular Kx-ray excitation by bombarding As, Zr, Nb, Mo and Rh targets with Nb ions / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Schulze, W ; Sodan, H ; Stary, F ; Tretyakov, Yu P
- 1974. - 10 p.
Excitation of Kx-rays by bombardment of thick solid targets with 150 MeV Xe ions / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Neubert, W ; Schulze, W ; Stary, F
- 1974. - 20 p.
Quasimolecular Kx-ray excitation by bombardment of Ge atoms with Ge ions (E 7-7636) / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Schulze, W ; Stary, F ; Tretyakov, Yu P
1973. - 12 p.
Highly excited isomeric states in ?Bi and ?Bi / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Neubert, W ; Schulze, W ; Stary, F
1973. - 15 p.
International Conference on Partial Differential Equations - Differential Equations, Asymptotic Analysis, and Mathematical Physics   29 Jul - 2 Aug 1996  - Potsdam, Germany  / Demuth, M (ed.); Schulze, Bert Wolfgang (ed.)
Pseudo-differential operators with operator-valued symbols in the Mellin-edge-approach / Dorschfeldt, C ; Schulze, Bert Wolfgang
- 1993. - 38 p.
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