CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 220 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.68 seconds. 
Intruder configurations in $^{29}$Ne at the transition into the island of inversion: Detailed structure study of $^{28}$Ne / Wang, H. (RIKEN (main)) ; Yasuda, M. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) ; Kondo, Y. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) ; Nakamura, T. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) ; Tostevin, J.A. (Tokyo Inst. Tech. ; Surrey U.) ; Ogata, K. (Kyushu U., Fukuoka (main) ; Osaka U., Res. Ctr. Nucl. Phys.) ; Otsuka, T. (CERN ; Nishina Ctr., RIKEN) ; Poves, A. (Madrid, Autonoma U.) ; Shimizu, N. (Tsukuba U.) ; Yoshida, K. (JAEA, Ibaraki) et al.
Detailed $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy of the exotic neon isotope $^{28}$Ne has been performed for the first time using the one-neutron removal reaction from $^{29}$Ne on a liquid hydrogen target at 240~MeV/nucleon. Based on an analysis of parallel momentum distributions, a level scheme with spin-parity assignments has been constructed for $^{28}$Ne and the negative-parity states are identified for the first time. [...]
arXiv:2306.16189.- 2023-06-20 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 843 (2023) 138038 Fulltext: PDF;
Considerations about a dynamic ripple filter for the PS-booster main power converter / Sato, H.
CERN-PS-PO-Note-89-8.- Geneva : CERN, 1989 - 7 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Calorimetry for Lepton Collider Experiments – CALICE results and activities / CALICE Collaboration
The CALICE collaboration conducts calorimeter R&D for highly granular calorimeters, mainly for their application in detectors for a future lepton collider at the TeV scale. [...]
- 2012. - 73 p.
Full text - Preprint - Full text
Interoperation of World-Wide Production e-Science Infrastructures / Riedel, M ; Laure, E ; Soddemann, T ; Field, L ; Navarro, JP ; Casey, J ; Litmaath, M ; Baud, J ; Koblitz, B ; Catlett, C et al.
Many production Grid and e-Science infrastructures have begun to offer services to end-users during the past several years with an increasing number of scientific applications that require access to a wide variety of resources and services in multiple Grids. Therefore, the Grid Interoperation Now—Community Group of the Open Grid Forum—organizes and manages interoperation efforts among those production Grid infrastructures to reach the goal of a world-wide Grid vision on a technical level in the near future. [...]
- Published in : Concurrency Comput.Pract.Exp. 21 (2009) 961-990
Repetitive Voltage Control Of The Main Ring Magnet Power supply For The kek 12-gev Ps / Sueno, T ; Matsumoto, S ; Mikawa, K ; Toda, M ; Sato, H ; Kumagai, N ; Baba, H (KEK, Tsukuba)
1990 - Published in : Part. Accel.: 29 (1990) , pp. 133-138 Published version: PDF;
In : 14th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, pt.1-5, Tsukuba, Japan, 22 - 26 Aug 1989, pp.835
Upgrade Scheme for the J-PARC Main Ring Magnet Power Supply / Sato, Hikaru (KEK, Ibaraki) ; Koseki, Kunio (KEK, Ibaraki) ; Okamura, Katsuya (KEK, Ibaraki) ; Shintomi, Takakazu (KEK, Ibaraki)
2006 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.2679
A Criterion for the stability of a charged sphere in general relativity / Omote, Miroru (Tokyo Univ.) ; Sato, Haruo
- 1973. - 13 p.
Quantum Mechanics of a Nonlinear System / Omote, Minoru (Tokyo Univ.) ; Sato, Haruo
- 1971. - 16 p.
Electronic Structure of Pd- and Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glasses Studied by Use of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy / Soda, Kazuo ; Ota, Shunji ; Suzuki, Takaharu ; Miyazaki, Hidetoshi ; Inukai, Manabu ; Kato, Masahiko ; Yagi, Shinya ; Takeuchi, Tsunehiro ; Hasegawa, Masashi ; Sato, Hirokazu et al.
2007 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 879 (2007) , pp. 1821-1824 External link: Published version from AIP
In : 9th International Conference On Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Daegu, Korea, 28 May - 2 Jun 2006, pp.1821-1824
EXAFS Study of Filled Skutterudites $PrOs_{4}Sb_{12}$ and $LaOs_{4}Sb_{12}$ / Nitta, Kiyofumi ; Kikuchi, Daisuke ; Miyanaga, Takafumi ; Takegahara, Katsuhiko ; Sugawara, Hitoshi ; Sato, Hideyuki
2007 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 882 (2007) , pp. 265-267 External link: Published version from AIP
In : 13th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, Stanford, CA, USA, 9 - 14 Jul 2006, pp.265-267

CERN Document Server : 220 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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78 Sato, H D
36 Sato, H T
5 Sato, H.
1 Sato, Hajime
2 Sato, Haru-Tada
5 Sato, Haruo
1 Sato, Hideo
3 Sato, Hideyuki
9 Sato, Hikaru
1 Sato, Hirokazu
1 Sato, Hiroki
1 Sato, Hiromi
1 Sato, Hiromitsu Phil
5 Sato, Hiroshi
2 Sato, Hiroyuki
2 Sato, Hisao
4 Sato, Humitaka
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