CERN Accelerating science

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A trigger for the identification of pions stopped in an active target / Raywood, K ; Ambardar, A R ; Lange, J B ; Sevior, M E
- 1995. - 14 p.
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The CHAOS Second-Level Trigger : a Fast, Programmable ECL Trigger for a Magnetic Spectrometer using Multiwire Proportional Chambers / Raywood, K ; McFarland, S J ; Amaudruz, P A ; Smith, G R ; Sevior, M E
- 1995. - 20 p.
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The CHAOS Spectrometer for Pion Physics at TRIUMF / Smith, G R ; Amaudruz, P A ; Brack, J T ; Felawka, L ; Gorelov, A V ; Henderson, R A ; Ottewell, D F ; Vincent, P ; Wu, Y ; Bonutti, F et al.
- 1994. - 28 p.
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Gamow-Teller strength deduced from charge exchange reactions on $^{54}$Fe at 300 MeV / Vetterli, Martin C ; Häusser, O ; Abegg, R ; Alford, W P ; Celler, A ; Frekers, D ; Helmer, R ; Henderson, R ; Hicks, K H ; Jackson, K P et al.
- 1989. - 20 p.
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A study of spin isovector giant resonances with the $^{208}$Pb(n,p) $^{208}$Tl reaction / Moinester, M A ; Trudel, A ; Raywood, K ; Yen, S ; Spicer, B M ; Abegg, R ; Alford, W P ; Auerbach, N ; Celler, A ; Frekers, D et al.
TRI-PP-89-3.- Burnaby, BC : TRIUMF, 1989 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 230 (1989) 41
Gamow-Teller strength and giant resonances in $^{90}$Zr(n,p) at 198 MeV ; 1988 ed. / Yen, S ; Spicer, B M ; Moinester, M A ; Raywood, K ; Abegg, R ; Alford, W P ; Celler, A ; Drake, T E ; Frekers, D ; Häusser, O et al.
TRI-PP-88-1.- Burnaby, BC : TRIUMF, 1988 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 206 (1988) 597
The (n,p) reaction as a probe of Gamow-Teller strength / Jackson, K P ; Celler, A ; Alford, W P ; Raywood, K ; Åberg, R ; Azuma, R E ; Campbell, C K ; El-Kateb, S ; Frekers, D ; Green, P W et al.
- 1987. - 10 p.
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Gamow-Teller strength and giant resonances in $^{90}$Zr(n,p) at 198 MeV. - 1987 ed. / Yen, S ; Spicer, B M ; Moinester, M A ; Raywood, K ; Abegg, R ; Alford, W P ; Celler, A ; Drake, T E ; Frekers, D ; Häusser, O et al.
- 1987. - 12 p.
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Gamow-Teller strength deduced from $^{54}$Fe(n,p)$^{54}$Mn cross-sections at 298 MeV / Vetterli, Martin C ; Häusser, O ; Alford, W P ; Frekers, D ; Helmer, R ; Henderson, R ; Hicks, K ; Jackson, K P ; Jeppersen, R G ; Miller, C A et al.
- 1987. - 8 p.
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$^{12}$C(d,p)$^{13}$C reaction at E$_{d}$ = 30 MeV to the positive-parity states in $^{13}$C / Ohnuma, H ; Hoshino, N ; Mikoshiba, O ; Raywood, K ; Sakaguchi, A ; Shute, G G ; Spicer, B M ; Tanaka, M H ; Tanifuji, M ; Terasawa, T et al.
- 1985. - 35 p.
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1 Raywood, K J
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