CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 8 records found  Search took 0.54 seconds. 
On the occurrence of dissipative forces in the scattering of two heavy ions 2 / Jolos, R V ; Permyakov, V P ; Röpke, G ; Schulz, H
P9671 ; E4-9671.
- 1976. - 14 p.
Description of Elastic Scattering of Heavy Ions in the Glauber-Sitenko Approach / Lukyanov, V K ; Permyakov, V P ; Chubov, Yu V
In the framework of the Glauber-Sitenko approach, analytic expressions are derived for the amplitudes of elastic nucleus-nucleus scattering corresponding to different regimes of collision. [...]
E4-2001-75 ; JINR-E4-2001-75.
- 2001. - 22 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
A study of semi-classical scattering in a Woods-Saxon potential within the high-energy approximation / Chubov, Yu V ; Embulaev, A V ; Lukyanov, V K ; Permyakov, V P ; Zemlyanaya, E V
- 1997. - 12 p.
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Compound nucleus formation in reactions between massive nuclei : fusion barrier / Antonenko, N V ; Cherepanov, E A ; Nasirov, A K ; Permyakov, V P ; Volkov, V V
E4-95-80 ; JINR-E4-95-80.
- 1995. - 31 p.
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Competition between complete fusion and quasi-fission in reactions between massive nuclei : the fusion barrier / Antonenko, N V ; Cherepanov, E A ; Nasirov, A K ; Permyakov, V P ; Volkov, V V
E4-93-262 ; JINR-E4-93-262.
- 1993. - 15 p.
CERN library copies
Analysis of compound nucleus formation in reactions 100Mo + 100Mo and 110Pd + 110Pd fusion barrier / Antonenko, N V ; Cherepanov, E A ; Nasirov, A K ; Permyakov, V P ; Volkov, V V
E1-92-212 ; JINR-E1-92-212.
- 1992. - 24 p.
CERN library copies
Investigation of effect of nuclei shell structure on mass distribution of multinucleon transfer reaction products / Jolos, R V ; Lukyanov, S M ; Nasirov, A K ; Permyakov, V P ; Salamatin, V S ; Chubarian, G G
- 1989. - 16 p. CERN library copies
Total kinetic energies of the deep inelastic heavy-ion collision fragments and quasi-fission / Jolos, R V ; Nasirov, A K ; Permyakov, V P
- 1987. - 11 p. CERN library copies

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