CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 14 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.54 seconds. 
Investigation of quasimolecular KX-radiation emitted in Nb + Nb and Ni + Ni collisions / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Manfrass, P ; Tretyakov, Yu P
- 1975. - 22 p.
Quasimolecular K x-ray excitation by bombarding Zr, Nb and Mo targets with 96 MeV Nb ions / Frank, W ; Bodan, H ; Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Schulze, W ; Tretyakov, Yu P
- 1975. - 8 p.
A j-forbidden isomeric transition in 204 At / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Neubert, W ; Schulze, W ; Stary, F
- 1974. - 11 p.
Quasimolecular Kx-ray excitation by bombarding As, Zr, Nb, Mo and Rh targets with Nb ions / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Schulze, W ; Sodan, H ; Stary, F ; Tretyakov, Yu P
- 1974. - 10 p.
Excitation of Kx-rays by bombardment of thick solid targets with 150 MeV Xe ions / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Neubert, W ; Schulze, W ; Stary, F
- 1974. - 20 p.
Quasimolecular Kx-ray excitation by bombardment of Ge atoms with Ge ions (E 7-7636) / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Schulze, W ; Stary, F ; Tretyakov, Yu P
1973. - 12 p.
Highly excited isomeric states in ?Bi and ?Bi / Gippner, P ; Kaun, K H ; Neubert, W ; Schulze, W ; Stary, F
1973. - 15 p.
FOBOS : ein 4π-Fragmentspektrometer / Ortlepp, H G ; Sodan, H ; Andrassy, M ; Fromm, W D ; Herbach, C M ; Kaun, K H ; Pausch, G ; Seidel, W ; Wagner, W ; Homeyer, H et al.
- 1990. - 37 p.
CERN library copies
Limits on heavy axion production from the reaction n(p,a)d / Enghardt, W ; Kaun, K H ; Prade, H ; Blümlein, Johannes ; Lanius, Karl
- 1987. - 6 p.
CERN library copies
Impact parameter dependence of K-shell vacancy production in collisions of 1 MeV/a.m.u. Cu ions with Cu, Ge and Ag atoms / Frank, W ; Jaracz, P ; Kaun, K H ; Rüdiger, J ; Stachura, Z
JINR-E7-81-278 ; JINR-P7-81-278.
- 1981. - 10 p. CERN library copies

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