CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 3 records found  Search took 0.56 seconds. 
Network expansion in OpenStack cloud federations / Kimmerlin, Maël (Aalto U.) ; Hasselmeyer, Peer (NEC Laboratories Europe, Heidelberg) ; Heikkilä, Seppo (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; CERN) ; Plauth, Max (Potsdam U.) ; Parol, Paweł (Orange Polska, Poland) ; Sarolahti, Pasi (Aalto U.)
Cloud federation is receiving increasing attention due to the benefits of resilience and locality it brings to cloud providers and users. Our analysis of three diverse use cases shows that existing solutions are not addressing the federation needs of such use case applications. [...]
2017 - 5 p. - Published in : 10.1109/EuCNC.2017.7980655
In : 26th European Conference on Networks and Communications, Oulu, Finland, 12 - 15 Jun 2017
A practical evaluation of a network expansion mechanism in an openstack cloud federation / Kimmerlin, Maël (Aalto U.) ; Plauth, Max (U. Potsdam (main)) ; Heikkilä, Seppo (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; CERN) ; Niemi, Tapio (Helsinki Inst. of Phys. ; CERN)
The SSICLOPS consortium recently designed a transparent virtual network expansion mechanism for OpenStack. In this paper, we build up on this mechanism to propose features to improve the interconnection for inter-cloud federations. [...]
2017 - 6 p. - Published in : 10.1109/CloudNet.2017.8071540
In : IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Networking, Prague, Czech Republic, 25 - 27 Sep 2017
Using S3 cloud storage with ROOT and CvmFS / Arsuaga-Ríos, Maria (CERN) ; Heikkilä, Seppo S (CERN) ; Duellmann, Dirk (CERN) ; Meusel, Ren (CERN) ; Blomer, Jakob (CERN) ; Couturier, Ben (CERN)
Amazon S3 is a widely adopted web API for scalable cloud storage that could also fulfill storage requirements of the high-energy physics community. CERN has been evaluating this option using some key HEP applications such as ROOT and the CernVM filesystem (CvmFS) with S3 back-ends. [...]
2015 - 8 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 664 (2015) 022001 IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : 21st International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Okinawa, Japan, 13 - 17 Apr 2015, pp.022001

See also: similar author names
6 Heikkila, Seppo
3 Heikkila, Seppo Sakari
1 Heikkilä, Seppo S
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