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Electronic bound states in parity-preserving QED sub 3 applied to high-T sub c cuprate superconductors / Christiansen, H R ; Ferreira, Manoel M ; Helayel-Neto, J A ; Monteiro del Cima, O
We consider a parity-preserving QED sub 3 model with spontaneous breaking of the gauge symmetry as a framework for the evaluation of the electron-electron interaction potential underlying high-T sub e superconductivity. [...]
- 2001. - 18 p.
Electronic bound states in parity-preserving QED3 applied to high-Tc cuprate superconductors / Christiansen, H R ; Del Cima, O M ; Ferreira, M M ; Helayël-Neto, José A
CBPF-NF-2001-049 ; ICEN-PS-2001-17.
- 2001. - 15 p.
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3 Christiansen, H
25 Christiansen, H P
5 Christiansen, Henning
1 Christiansen, Hugo
4 Christiansen, Hugo R
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