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Towards a European health research and innovation cloud (HRIC) / Aarestrup, F M (Denmark, Tech. U.) ; Albeyatti, A (Medicalchain, London ; NHS, UK) ; Armitage, W J (Bristol U.) ; Auffray, C (EISBM, Vourles) ; Augello, L (ARIA, Milan) ; Balling, R (Luxembourg U.) ; Benhabiles, N (U. Paris-Saclay) ; Bertolini, G (Bergamo U.) ; Bjaalie, J G (Oslo U.) ; Black, M (Ulster U.) et al.
The European Union (EU) initiative on the Digital Transformation of Health and Care (Digicare) aims to provide the conditions necessary for building a secure, flexible, and decentralized digital health infrastructure. Creating a European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC) within this environment should enable data sharing and analysis for health research across the EU, in compliance with data protection legislation while preserving the full trust of the participants. [...]
2020 - 14 p. - Published in : Genome Medicine 12 (2020) 18

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