CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 20 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενο  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.62 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Analysis of the short-to-ground event in the LARP-AUP MQXFAP1 magnet, and its implication on the production and tests of the series magnets / Marinozzi, Vittorio (Fermilab) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Muratore, Joseph (Brookhaven) ; Joshi, Piyush (Brookhaven) ; Ravaioli, Emmanuele (CERN) ; Stoynev, Stoyan (Fermilab) ; Wanderer, Peter (Fermilab)
Starting from 2022, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will be shut down to increase the luminosity of the machine. [...]
- 2018. - 5 p.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Fulltext
Development and Coil Fabrication for the LARP 3.7-m Long Nb3Sn Quadrupole / LARP Collaboration
The U.S. LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) has started the fabrication of 3.7-m long Nb$_3$Sn quadrupole models. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-08-459-TD.- 2009 - 4 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 19 (2009) 1231-1234 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference 2008, Chicago, IL, USA, 17 - 22 Aug 2008, pp.1231-1234
Design and Fabrication of the 1.9 K Magnet Test Facility at BNL, and Test of the First 4-m-Long MQXF Coil / Muratore, Joseph (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.) ; Anerella, Michael (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.) ; Joshi, Piyush (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.) ; Kovach, Paul (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.) ; Marone, Andrew (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.) ; Wanderer, Peter (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.)
The future high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will include 20 4.2-m-long Nb$_3$Sn high gradient quadrupole magnets, which will be components of the triplets for two LHC insertion regions. In order to test these and four preproduction models, the vertical superconducting magnet test facility of the Superconducting Magnet Division (SMD) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has been upgraded to perform testing in superfluid He at 1.9 K and 1 bar, the operational condition at the LHC. [...]
2018 - 4 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 28 (2018) 9500104
Fabrication and test of LARP technological quadrupole models of TQC series / Bossert, Rodger C (Fermilab) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Andreev, Nikolai (Fermilab) ; Barzi, Emanuela (Fermilab) ; Chlachidze, Guram (Fermilab) ; Feher, Sandor (Fermilab) ; Kashikhin, Vladimir S (Fermilab) ; Kashikhin, Vadim V (Fermilab) ; Lamm, Michael (Fermilab) ; Nobrega, Alfred (Fermilab) et al.
In support of the development of a large-aperture Nb$_3$Sn superconducting quadrupole for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) luminosity upgrade, several two-layer technological quadrupole models of TQC series with 90 mm aperture and collar-based mechanical structure have been developed at Fermilab in collaboration with LBNL. This paper summarizes the results of fabrication and test of TQC02a, the second TQC model based on RRP Nb3Sn strand, and TQC02b, built with both MJR and RRP strand. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-08-309-TD.- 2009 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 19 (2009) 1226-1230 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference 2008, Chicago, IL, USA, 17 - 22 Aug 2008, pp.1226-1230
Design of Nb$_3$Sn coils for LARP long magnets. / Ambrosio, G ; Andreev, N ; Anerella, M ; Barzi, E ; Bossert, R ; Dietderich, D ; Feher, S ; Ferracin, P ; Ghosh, A ; Gourlay, S et al.
The LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) has a primary goal to develop, assemble, and test full size Nb$_3$Sn quadrupole magnet models for a luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A major milestone in this development is to assemble and test, by the end of 2009, two 4 m-long quadrupole cold masses, which will be the first Nb$_3$Sn accelerator magnet models approaching the length of real accelerator magnets. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-06-304-TD.- 2007 - 4 p.
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, 27 Aug - 1 Sep 2006, pp.1035-1038
Lessons learned from the prototypes of the MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC and status of production in the US / Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Amm, Kathleen (BNL, NSLS) ; Anerella, Michael (BNL, NSLS) ; Apollinari, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Baldini, Maria (Fermilab) ; Blowers, Jamie (Fermilab) ; Bossert, Rodger (Fermilab) ; Carcagno, Ruben (Fermilab) ; Cheng, Daniel W (BNL, NSLS) ; Chlachidze, Guram (Fermilab) et al.
With the successful test of the first two pre-series magnets the US HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project has started production of the MQXFA magnets to be used in Q1/Q3 inner triplet elements of the HL-LHC. This good start comes after the test of two prototypes with limited performance, and it demonstrates the importance of learning from past issues. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-20-618-TD.- 2021 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 31 (2021) 4001105 Fulltext: PDF;
Magnetic Field Measurements of First Pre-series Full-Length 4.2 m Quadrupole MQXFA03 Using PCB Rotating Coils for the Hi-Lumi LHC Project / Song, Honghai (Stony Brook U.) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Amm, Kathleen (Brookhaven) ; Anerella, Michael (Brookhaven) ; Apollinari, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Cheng, Daniel (LBNL) ; Chlachidze, Guram (Fermilab) ; DiMarco, Joseph (Fermilab) ; Feher, Sandor (Fermilab) ; Ferracin, Paolo (LBNL) et al.
The U.S. Hi-Lumi LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP) and CERN have joined efforts to develop high field quad-rupoles for the Hi-Lumi LHC upgrade. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-21-038-TD.- 2021 - 7 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 31 (2021) 4000207 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Accepted Manuscript
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference, Online, 24 Oct - 7 Nov 2020, pp.4000207
Analysis of Nb$_3$Sn Accelerator Magnet TrainingAnalysis of Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnet Training / Stoynev, Stoyan (Fermilab) ; Riemer, Kevin (Fermilab) ; Zlobin, Alexander V. (Fermilab) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Ferracin, Paolo (CERN) ; Sabbi, GianLuca (LBL, Berkeley) ; Wanderer, Peter (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.)
Nb$_3$Sn accelerator magnet technology has made significant progress during the past decades. For the first time, it is planned to be used in a real accelerator. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-18-662-TD.- 2019 - 6 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 (2019) 4001206 Preprint: PDF;
The HL-LHC Low-$\beta$ Quadrupole Magnet MQXF: from Short Models to Long Prototypes / Ferracin, Paolo (CERN) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Anerella, Michael (Brookhaven) ; Bajas, Hugues (CERN) ; Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Bordini, Bernardo (CERN) ; Bossert, Rodger (Fermilab) ; Bourcey, Nicolas (CERN) ; Cheng, Daniel W (LBL, Berkeley) ; Chlachidze, Guram (Fermilab) et al.
Among the components to be upgraded in LHC inter- action regions for the HiLumi-LHC projects are the inner triplet (or low-β) quadrupole magnets, denoted as Q1, Q2a, Q2b, and Q3. The new quadrupole magnets, called MQXF, are based on Nb3 Sn superconducting magnet technology and operate at a gradient of 132.6 T/m, with a conductor peak field of 11.4 T. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-19-008-TD.- 2019 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 (2019) 4001309
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30 (2020) 9700701 Fulltext: PDF;
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018, Seattle, United States Of America, 28 Oct - 2 Nov 2018, pp.4001309
Progress on high luminosity LHC Nb$_{3}$Sn magnets / Todesco, Ezio (CERN) ; Annarella, M (Brookhaven) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Apollinari, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Ballarino, Amalia (CERN) ; Bajas, H (CERN) ; Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Bordini, Bernardo (CERN) ; Bossert, R (Fermilab) ; Bottura, Luca (CERN) et al.
The HL-LHC project aims at allowing to increase the collisions in the Large Hadron Collider by a factor ten in the decade 2025 - 2035. One essential element are the superconducting magnets around the interaction region points, where large aperture magnets will be installed to allow to further reduce the beam size in the interaction point. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-18-302-TD.- 2018 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 28 (2018) 4008809 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, ICCG, Geneva, Switzerland, 17 - 21 Sep 2017, pp.4008809

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