CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 26 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 1.09 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Polarization measurement in pp elastic scattering at 150 GeV/c between 02<-t<3 GeV/sup 2/ / Fidecaro, Giuseppe ; Bartl, Walter ; Birsa, R ; Bradamante, Franco ; Fidecaro, Maria ; Frühwirth, R ; Gasparini, F ; Gerhold, Hans R ; Giorgi, M ; Gottfried, Christian et al.
The polarization parameter P(t) in pp elastic scattering at 150 GeV/c for momentum transfers 0.2<-t<3 GeV/sup 2/ has been measured in a t- region where a dip in the cross-section for elastic proton-proton scattering has been observed at the ISR energies. To have a good background rejection, also at high t values with a cross-section of approximately 10 nb GeV/sup -2/, precise measurements and redundancy in the determination of the kinematics of the reaction were needed. [...]
In : 8th International Conference on Few-body Systems and Nuclear Forces, Graz, Austria, 24 - 30 Aug 1978, pp.511-14
CMS TriDAS project : Technical Design Report, Volume 1: The Trigger Systems
CERN-LHCC-2000-038 CMS-TDR-6-1. - 599 p. (Technical design report. CMS ; 6.1)

Beam Studies of EM-Calorimeter Prototype made of Heavy Scintillating Crystal PbWO4 / ALICE Collaboration
Further investigations of heavy scintillating lead tungstate crystal PbWO4 `(PWO ) have been continued at IHEP, Protvino, Russia and INP, Minsk, Belarus. Last few months the technology of large size PWO crystals (up to 25 X0) growing has been successfully developed in factory with high production capability in Russia. [...]
ALICE-INT-1993-25; CERN-ALICE-INT-1993-25.- Geneva : CERN, 1993
Development of a Momentum Determined Electron Beam in the 1-45 GeV Range / Batarin, V A ; Derevshchikov, A A ; Fomin, Yu V ; Grishin, V N ; Kachanov, V A ; Khodyrev, V Yu ; Konstantinov, A S ; Kravtsov, V I ; Leontiev, V M ; Maisheev, V A et al.
- 2002. - 13 p.
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Study of the compensated lead hadron calorimeter on hadron, electron and lead-ion beams / Alekseev, G A ; Apokin, V D ; Buyanov, O V ; Chuiko, B V ; Grishin, V N ; Katchanov, V A ; Khodyrev, V Yu ; Medvedev, V A ; Minaev, N G ; Mochalov, V V et al.
The results of tests on a compensated lead hadron calorimeter with cell size 10*10 cm/sup 2/, thickness 8 nuclear interaction lengths and sampling of 16 mm lead, 4 mm scintillator, with hadron, electron and lead-ion beams up to 32 TeV total energy are presented. The hadronic energy resolution of the calorimeter is 57%/ square root E, the nonuniformity is better than 10% and the measured ratio e/h=1.01. [...]
2001 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 461 (2001) 381-3
A study of one-spin asymmetries in $pp\uparrow$ and $\pi^{-}p\uparrow$ interactions at 70 and 40 GeV/c : proposal of experiment RAMPEX / Serpukhov-Dubna-Gatchina-Michigan Collaboration
- 1997. - 39 p.
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13th International Symposium on High-energy Spin Physics - SPIN '98   8 - 12 Sep 1998  - Protvino, Russian Federation  / Tyurin, N E (ed.); Solovianov, Vladimir L (ed.); Troshin, S M (ed.); Ufimtsev, A G (ed.)
Singapore : World Scientific, 1999 - 649 p.
Beam test results of PbWO$_{4}$ crystal calorimeter prototype / Alexeev, G ; Dolgopolov, A V ; Donskov, S V ; Kachanov, V A ; Khodyrev, V Yu ; Medvedev, V A ; Prokoshkin, Yu D ; Shagin, P M ; Singovsky, A V ; Solovianov, Vladimir L et al.
In : 5th International Conference on Calorimetry in High-energy Physics, Upton, NY, USA, 25 Sep - 1 Oct 1994, pp.97-102
Beam test results of a PbWO$_{4}$ crystal calorimeter prototype / Alexeev, G A ; Binon, Freddy G ; Dolgopolov, A V ; Donskov, S V ; Fyodorov, A A ; Kachanov, V A ; Khodyrev, V Yu ; Korzhik, M V ; Medvedev, V A ; Missevitch, O V et al.
- 1995. - 14 p.
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Study of strip/fiber prototype shower maximum detector for the STAR experiment at RHIC / Akimenko, S A ; Belousov, V I ; Chuiko, B V ; Derevshchikov, A A ; Erin, S V ; Kachanov, V A ; Konstantinov, A S ; Kotov, I V ; Kryshkin, V I ; Minaev, N G et al.
- 1994. - 15 p.
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