CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 17 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενο  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.52 δευτερόλεπτα. 
R&D of a real-size mosaic MRPC within the framework of the CMS muon upgrade / CMS RPC Collaboration
Based on previous experience and attempt, a real-size mosaic Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) has been developed within the framework of the CMS muon upgrade efforts. The chamber is a 5-gap with plates made each of 6 pieces of low resistive glass. [...]
2019 - 10 p. - Published in : JINST 14 (2019) C10042
In : RPC 2018 - THE XIV WORKSHOP ON RESISTIVE PLATE CHAMBERS AND RELATED DETECTORS, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 19 - 23 Feb 2018, pp.C10042
R and D towards future CMS RPC upgrades / CMS Collaboration
High pseudo-rapidity region of CMS muon system is covered only by Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) and lacks redundant coverage despite the fact that it is a challenging region for muons in terms of backgrounds and momentum resolution. In order to maintain good efficiency for the muon trigger in this region additional RPC are planned to be installed in stations RE31 and RE41. [...]
arXiv:1606.04291; CMS-CR-2016-120.- Geneva : CERN, 2016-09-26 - 12 p. - Published in : JINST 11 (2016) C09017 Fulltext: CR2016_120 - PDF; arXiv:1606.04291 - PDF; 10.1088_1748-0221_11_09_C09017 - PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 13th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Ghent, Belgium, 22 - 26 Feb 2016, pp.C09017
High rate, fast timing Glass RPC for the high ${\eta}$ CMS muon detectors / on behalf of CMS RPC collaboration
The HL-LHC phase is designed to increase by an order of magnitude the amount of data to be collected by the LHC experiments. To achieve this goal in a reasonable time scale the instantaneous luminosity would also increase by an order of magnitude up to $6.10^{34} cm^{-2} s^{-1}$ . [...]
arXiv:1606.01398.- Geneva : CERN, 2016-09-09 - 14 p. - Published in : JINST 11 (2016) C09006 Fulltext: AIDA-2020-CONF-2016-002 - PDF; arXiv:1606.01398 - PDF; 10.1088_1748-0221_11_09_C09006 - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 13th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Ghent, Belgium, 22 - 26 Feb 2016, pp.C09006
Detector Control System and Efficiency Performance for CMS RPC at GIF++ / on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
In the framework of the High Luminosity LHC upgrade program, the CMS muon group built several different RPC prototypes that are now under test at the new CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++). A dedicated Detector Control System has been developed using the WinCC-OA tool to control and monitor these prototype detectors and to store the measured parameters data..
arXiv:1605.09138.- 2016 - 9 p. - Published in : JINST 11 (2016) C10013 Fulltext: PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 13th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Ghent, Belgium, 22 - 26 Feb 2016, pp.C10013
Performance of Resistive Plate Chambers installed during the first long shutdown of the CMS experiment / Shopova, M. (Budapest, RMKI) ; Aleksandrov, A. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Hadjiiska, R. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Iaydjiev, P. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Sultanov, G. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Rodozov, M. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Stoykova, S. (Sofiya, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Assran, Y. (British U. in Egypt ; Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech. ; Suez Canal U.) ; Sayed, A. (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech.) ; Radi, A. (Ain Shams U., Cairo ; British U. in Egypt ; Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech.) et al.
The CMS experiment, located at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, has a redundant muon system composed by three different detector technologies: Cathode Strip Chambers (in the forward regions), Drift Tubes (in the central region) and Resistive Plate Chambers (both its central and forward regions). [...]
arXiv:1605.06798 ; CMS-CR-2016-090 ; CMS-CR-2016-090.
- 2016. - 7 p.
Preprint - Full text
Radiation Tests of Real-Sized Prototype RPCs for the Future CMS RPC Upscope / Lee, K.S. (Korea U.) ; Cho, S.W. (Korea U.) ; Choi, S.Y. (Korea U.) ; Hong, B. (Korea U.) ; Go, Y. (Korea U.) ; Kang, M.H. (Korea U.) ; Lim, J.H. (Korea U.) ; Park, S.K. (Korea U.) ; Cimmino, A. (Gent U.) ; Crucy, S. (Gent U.) et al.
We report on a systematic study of double-gap and four-gap phenolic resistive plate chambers (RPCs) for future high-{\eta} RPC triggers in the CMS. In the present study, we constructed real-sized double-gap and four-gap RPCs with gap thicknesses of 1.6 and 0.8 mm, respectively, with 2-mm-thick phenolic high-pressure-laminated (HPL) plates. [...]
arXiv:1605.00440.- 2016-08-10 - 10 p. - Published in : JINST 11 (2016) C08008 Fulltext: arXiv:1605.00440 - PDF; 10.1088_1748-0221_11_08_C08008 - PDF; IOP: PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 13th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Ghent, Belgium, 22 - 26 Feb 2016, pp.C08008
CMS RPC commissioning of the existing detector during the long shutdown / Cimmino, A (Gent U.) ; Ban, Y (Peking U.) ; Cai, J (Peking U.) ; Li, Q (Peking U.) ; Liu, S (Peking U.) ; Qian, S (Peking U.) ; Wang, D (Peking U.) ; Xu, Z (Peking U.) ; Zhang, F (Peking U.) ; Choi, Y (Sungkyunkwan U.) et al. /CMS
February 1 (th) 2013 marked the end of the first period of running of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the start of a two-year break from operation (LS1) aimed at consolidating both the accelerator as well as the detectors. By the end of LS1, the LHC is expected to provide collisions at 13 Tev. [...]
2014 - 8 p. - Published in : JINST 9 (2014) C10043
In : 12th workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Beijing, China, 23 - 28 Feb 2014, pp.C10043
Resistive plate chambers for 2013-2014 muon upgrade in CMS at LHC / Colafranceschi, S (CERN) ; Chudasama, R (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Pant, L M (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Mohanty, A K (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Sehgal, R (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Sehgal, S T (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Thomas, R G (Bhabha Atomic Res. Ctr.) ; Sharma, A (CERN) ; Bhandari, V (Panjab U.) ; Chand, S (Panjab U.) et al.
During 2013 and 2014 (Long Shutdown LS1) the CMS experiment is upgrading the forward region installing a fourth layer of RPC detectors in order to complete and improve the muon system performances in the view of the foreseen high luminosity run of LHC. The new two endcap disks consists of 144 double-gap RPC chambers assembled at three different production sites: CERN, Ghent (Belgium) and BARC (India). [...]
2014 - 9 p. - Published in : JINST 9 (2014) C10033
In : 12th workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Beijing, China, 23 - 28 Feb 2014, pp.C10033
Performance of the gas gain monitoring system of the CMS RPC muon detector / CMS Collaboration
The RPC muon detector of the CMS experiment at the LHC (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) is equipped with a Gas Gain Monitoring (GGM) system. A report on the stability of the system during the 2011-2012 data taking run is given, as well as the observation of an effect which suggests a novel method for the monitoring of gas mixture composition..
arXiv:1412.8039; INFN-14-22-LNF; INFN-14-22-LNF.- 2015-01-07 - 9 p. - Published in : JINST 10 (2015) C01003 Fulltext: arXiv:1412.8039 - PDF; 10.1088_1748-0221_10_01_C01003 - PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 12th workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Beijing, China, 23 - 28 Feb 2014, pp.C01003
Radiation background with the CMS RPCs at the LHC / on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
The Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are employed in the CMS experiment at the LHC as dedicated trigger system both in the barrel and in the endcap. This note presents results of the radiation background measurements performed with the 2011 and 2012 proton-proton collision data collected by CMS. [...]
arXiv:1406.2859.- 2015-05-28 - 9 p. - Published in : JINST 10 (2015) C05031 Fulltext: arXiv:1406.2859 - PDF; 10.1088_1748-0221_10_05_C05031 - PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 12th workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, Beijing, China, 23 - 28 Feb 2014, pp.C05031

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