CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 7 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  Η έρευνα πήρε 1.18 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Design of Radiation Hard Spare Units for the Orbit Corrector Dipoles of LHC / Louzguiti, Alexandre (CERN) ; Cerutti, Francesco (CERN) ; Contat, Pierre-Antoine (CERN) ; Fagundes de Sousa, Daniela (CERN) ; Kirby, Glyn (CERN) ; Lepoittevin, Benoit (CERN) ; Liberale, Mattia (CERN) ; Mazet, Jacky (CERN) ; Ravaioli, Emmanuele (CERN) ; Sahner, Thomas (CERN) et al.
Due to the High Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), the orbit corrector dipoles located just before the interaction points of the accelerator will receive significantly increased gamma radiation doses, i.e., up to 20 MGy over the HL-LHC lifetime. Since these magnets were not designed to withstand such high gamma doses, new MCBC and MCBY magnets have to be designed and produced using radiation hard impregnation insulation and materials. [...]
2020 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30 (2020) 4001205
Test of the First Full-Length Prototype of the HL-LHC D2 Orbit Corrector Based on Canted Cosine Theta Technology / Mangiarotti, Franco J (CERN) ; Duda, Michal (Cracow, INP ; CERN) ; Fiscarelli, Lucio (CERN) ; Kirby, Glyn (CERN) ; Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Coll, Dominic (Unlisted, GB) ; Desbiolles, Vincent ; Feuvrier, Jerome (CERN) ; Guyon, Jean-Luc (CERN) ; Mazet, Jacky (CERN) et al.
In the context of CERN's high-luminosity upgrade project (HL-LHC) for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a new double aperture beam orbit corrector magnets will be installed near the recombination dipole (D2). These 2.2 m long NbTi dipoles are built with the canted cosine theta (CCT) technique. [...]
2020 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30 (2020) 4000505
Power test of the second-generation Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) Nb$_3$Sn damping wiggler short model / Duda, Michal (Cracow, INP ; CERN) ; Mangiarotti, Franco (CERN) ; Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Bernhard, Axel (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Desbiolles, Vincent (CERN) ; Ferracin, Paolo (CERN) ; Feuvrier, Jerome (CERN) ; Garcia Fajardo, Laura (LBL, Berkeley) ; Lorenzo, Jose (CERN) ; Mazet, Jacky (CERN) et al.
In the frame of the compact linear collider project, a high-field short-period superconducting damping wigglers will be required to reduce the emittance of the electron and positron beams. The use of Nb$_3$Sn as superconducting material is being investigated, as a valid option for its smaller size and increased working margin. [...]
2019 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 (2019) 4100405
Test of short model and prototype of the HL-LHC D2 orbit corrector based on CCT technology / Mangiarotti, Franco (CERN) ; Kirby, Glyn (CERN) ; Duda, Michal (Cracow, INP ; CERN) ; Mentink, Matthias (CERN) ; Fiscarelli, Lucio (CERN) ; Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Coll, Dominic (Unlisted, GB) ; Desbiolles, Vincent (CERN) ; Feuvrier, Jerome (CERN) ; Mazet, Jacky (CERN) et al.
In the frame of the high-luminosity upgrade project for the large hadron collider, new twin aperture beam orbit corrector magnets will be installed near the recombination dipole (D2). These magnets are 2.2 m long canted cosine theta NbTi dipoles, with two independently powered apertures oriented such that their field vectors are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the beams. [...]
2019 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 (2019) 4002305
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018, Seattle, United States Of America, 28 Oct - 2 Nov 2018, pp.4002305
Hi-Lumi LHC Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors 0.5-m Model Magnet Development and Cold Test / Kirby, Glyn A (CERN) ; Gentini, Luca (CERN) ; Mazet, Jacky (CERN) ; Mentink, Matthias (CERN) ; Mangiarotti, Franco (CERN) ; Van Nugteren, Jeroen (CERN) ; Murtomaki, Jaakko Samuel (CERN) ; Hagen, Per (CERN) ; Pincot, Francois Olivier (CERN) ; Bourcey, Nicolas (CERN) et al.
The large hadron collider (LHC) upgrade, called high-luminosity LHC is planned for the next decade. A wide range of magnets and new technologies are currently under development. [...]
2018 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 28 (2018) 4002205
First Cold Powering Test of REBCO Roebel Wound Coil for the EuCARD2 Future Magnet Development Project / Kirby, Glyn A (CERN) ; van Nugteren, Jeroen (CERN) ; Bajas, H (CERN) ; Benda, V (CERN) ; Ballarino, A (CERN) ; Bajko, M (CERN) ; Bottura, Luca (CERN) ; Broekens, K (CERN) ; Canale, M (CERN) ; Chiuchiolo, A (CERN) et al.
EuCARD-2 is a project partly supported by FP7-European Commission aiming at exploring accelerator magnet technology for 20 T dipole operating field. The EuCARD-2 collaboration is liaising with similar programs for high field magnets in the USA and Japan. [...]
2017 - 7 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 (2017) 4003307 Fulltext: PDF;
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 4 - 9 Sep 2016, pp.4003307
Hi-Lumi LHC Twin-Aperture Orbit Correctors Magnet System Optimisation / Kirby, Glyn A (CERN) ; Rysti, Juho (CERN) ; Gentini, L (CERN) ; Van Nugteren, Jeroen (CERN) ; Murtomaki, Jaakko (CERN) ; De Rijk, Gijs (CERN) ; Todesco, Ezio (CERN) ; Scibor, Karol (CERN) ; Mazet, Jacky (CERN) ; Perez, Juan Carlos (CERN)
The large hadron collider (LHC) upgrade, called high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is planned for the next decade. A wide range of magnets and new technologies are currently under development. [...]
2017 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 (2017) 4002805
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 4 - 9 Sep 2016, pp.4002805

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