CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 13 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενο  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.56 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Measurement of the total and partial pp cross section between 1901 and 1950 MeV / Chaloupka, V ; Bettini, A ; Bizzarri, R ; Castelli, Edoardo ; Cresti, M ; Drevermann, H ; Fry, J R ; Grard, F ; Hanton, J ; Henri, V P et al.
The presence of a structure in the pp total cross section at 1930-1940 MeV, with a narrow width of 9 MeV is confirmed. The interpretation of the effect as a single, non interfering, resonance is made difficult by the comparison of the elastic scattering with the charge exchange cross sections. [...]
1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 61 (1976) 487-92
Measurement of the total and partial ¯p\p cross section between 1901 and 1950 MeV / CERN-Liverpool-Mons-Padua-Rome-Trieste Collaboration
CERN-EP-PHYS-76-5.- Geneva : CERN, 1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 61 (1976) 487-492 Fulltext: PDF;
The European Hybrid Spectrometer : a facility to study multihadron events produced in high energy interactions / LEBC-EHS Collaboration
CERN-EP-82-75.- Geneva : CERN, 1983 - 62 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 205 (1983) 79-97 Fulltext: PDF;
Approach to scaling in inclusive pi+/pi ratios at 147 GeV/c / Brick, D H ; Rudnicka, H ; Shapiro, A M ; Widgoff, M ; Ansorge, Rainer E ; Neale, William W ; Ward, D R ; Whyman, B M ; Burnstein, R A ; Rubin, H A et al.
- 1981. - 22 p.
CERN library copies
The butterfly drift chamber geometry : an optimal four-plane drift chamber for use in a high track multiplicity environment / Bruyant, F ; Lesceux, J M ; Plano, R J
CERN-EP-80-99; CERN-EP-EHS-PH-80-5.- Geneva : CERN, 1980 - 13 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods 176 (1980) 409-413 Fulltext: PDF;
Charm particle production in 360 GeV πp and 360 GeV pp interactions / Amsterdam-Brussels-CERN-Madrid-Mons-Nijmegen-Oxford-Padua-Paris-Rome-Rutherford-Serpukhov-Stockholm-Strasbourg-Turin-Trieste-Vienna Collaboration
- 1981. - 30 p.
Fulltext - CERN library copies
Hadron production in pi+p, K+p and pp collisions at 147 GeV/c and properties of jet-like multiparticle systems / Brick, D H ; Rudnicka, H ; Shapiro, A M ; Widgoff, M ; Ansorge, Rainer E ; Neale, William W ; Ward, D R ; Burnstein, R A ; Rubin, H A ; Alyea, E D et al.
IFNUP-AE-81-01 ; IFNUP-AE-81-1.
- 1981. - 29 p.
CERN library copies
Inclusive and semi-inclusive rho0 production in pi+/pi/K+/p p interactions at 147 GeV/c / Schouten, M M ; De Bock, H ; Crijns, F ; Dziembowski, Z ; Kittel, E W ; Metzger, W J ; Pols, C L A ; Van de Walle, R T ; Brick, D H ; Rudnicka, H et al.
- 1981. - 32 p.
CERN library copies
Observation of the fully reconstructed D0¯D0 pair with long lifetimes in a high resolution hydrogen bubble chamber and the European Hybrid Spectrometer / Amsterdam-Brussels-CERN-Madrid-Mons-Nijmegen-Oxford-Padua-Paris-Rome-Rutherford-Serpukhov-Stockholm-Strasbourg-Turin-Trieste-Vienna Collaboration
In an experiment with a 360 GeV/c π beam at the CERN SPS using the high resolution hydrogen bubble chamber LEBC and the European Hybrid Spectrometer, an event has been observed of the type πp to D0D0+8 prongs. The fully reconstructed decay modes are D0Kπ+π0π0 and D0K+π+ππ, with all six charged tracks being detected in the spectrometer and all four photons from the π0 decays detected in the lead glass gamma detection system. [...]
CERN-EP-81-28.- Geneva : CERN, 1981 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 102 (1981) 285-290 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Double pomeron exchange in the reactions pp --> pppi+pi, K+p --> K+ppi+pi, pi+p --> pi+ppi+pi and pip --> pippi+pi at 147 GeV/c / Brick, D H ; Rudnicka, H ; Shapiro, A M ; Widgoff, M ; Ansorge, Rainer E ; Carter, J R ; Neale, William W ; Rushbrooke, John G ; Ward, D R ; Whyman, B M et al.
1980. - 12 p.
CERN library copies

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