CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 4 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  Η έρευνα πήρε 0.62 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Light and strange vector resonances from lattice QCD at physical quark masses / Boyle, Peter (Brookhaven ; Edinburgh U.) ; Erben, Felix (Edinburgh U. ; CERN) ; Gülpers, Vera (Edinburgh U.) ; Hansen, Maxwell T. (Edinburgh U.) ; Joswig, Fabian (Edinburgh U.) ; Lachini, Nelson Pitanga (Edinburgh U. ; Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Marshall, Michael (Edinburgh U.) ; Portelli, Antonin (Edinburgh U. ; CERN ; RIKEN AICS, Kobe)
We present the first ab initio calculation at physical quark masses of scattering amplitudes describing the lightest pseudoscalar mesons interacting via the strong force in the vector channel. [...]
CERN-TH-2024-088 ; arXiv:2406.19194.
- 7 p.
Physical-mass calculation of $\rho(770)$ and $K^*(892)$ resonance parameters via $\pi \pi$ and $K \pi$ scattering amplitudes from lattice QCD / Boyle, Peter (Brookhaven ; Edinburgh U.) ; Erben, Felix (Edinburgh U. ; CERN) ; Gülpers, Vera (Edinburgh U.) ; Hansen, Maxwell T. (Edinburgh U.) ; Joswig, Fabian (Edinburgh U.) ; Lachini, Nelson Pitanga (Edinburgh U. ; Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Marshall, Michael (Edinburgh U.) ; Portelli, Antonin (Edinburgh U. ; CERN ; RIKEN AICS, Kobe)
We present our study of the $\rho(770)$ and $K^*(892)$ resonances from lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) employing domain-wall fermions at physical quark masses. [...]
CERN-TH-2024-087 ; arXiv:2406.19193.
- 27 p.
$\mathrm{D}$ and $\mathrm{D_s}$ decay constants in $N_{\rm f}=2+1$ QCD with Wilson fermions / Kuberski, Simon (CERN ; Mainz U., Inst. Phys. ; Darmstadt, GSI) ; Joswig, Fabian (Edinburgh U.) ; Collins, Sara (Regensburg U.) ; Heitger, Jochen (Munster U., ITP) ; Söldner, Wolfgang (Regensburg U.) /RQCD Collaboration ; ALPHA Collaboration
We present results for the leptonic decay constants of the D and D$_{\rm s}$ mesons from $N_{\rm f}=2+1$ lattice QCD. We employ a set of 49 high statistics gauge ensembles generated by the Coordinated Lattice Simulations (CLS) effort utilising non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions and the tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action at six values of the lattice spacing in the range $a = 0.098\,$fm down to $a = 0.039\,$fm, with pion masses varying from around $420\,$MeV down to below the physical point. [...]
arXiv:2405.04506; CERN-TH-2024-052; MITP-24-047; MS-TP-24-09.- 2024-07-10 - 44 p. - Published in : JHEP 2407 (2024) 090 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2405.04506 - PDF;
Non-perturbative renormalization of O(a) improved tensor currents / Chimirri, Leonardo (NIC, Zeuthen) ; Fritzsch, Patrick (CERN) ; Heitger, Jochen (Munster U., ITP) ; Joswig, Fabian (Munster U., ITP) ; Panero, Marco (U. Turin (main) ; INFN, Turin) ; Pena, Carlos (Madrid, IFT ; Madrid, Autonoma U.) ; Preti, David (INFN, Turin) /ALPHA Collaboration
We present our progress in the non-perturbative O(a) improvement and renormalization of tensor currents in three-flavor lattice QCD with Wilson-clover fermions and tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action. The mass-independent O(a) improvement factor of tensor currents is determined via a Ward identity approach, and their renormalization group running is calculated via recursive finite-size scaling techniques, both implemented within the Schr\"odinger functional framework. [...]
arXiv:1910.06759; CERN-TH-2019-146; MS-TP-19-21; IFT-UAM/CSIC-19-123; DESY-20-014.- SISSA, 2020-01-09 - 7 p. - Published in : PoS: LATTICE2019 (2019) , pp. 212
Fulltext: 1910.06759 - PDF; PoS(LATTICE2019)212 - PDF;
In : 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 16 - 22 Jun 2019, pp.212

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