CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  Η έρευνα πήρε 0.67 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Hydrogen passivation of cd acceptors in III–V semiconductors studied by PAC spectroscopy / ISOLDE Collaboration
Formation, structure, and stability of hydrogen correlated complexes, created at Cd acceptors in GaP, InP, and InAs have been studied after plasma charging as well as after H+ and/or He+ implantation at different energies. The different complexes were monitored by the perturbed angular correlation technique (PAC). [...]
1995 - 6 p. - Published in : Solid State Commun. 93 (1995) 425-430
The role of In in III-nitride ternary semiconductors / Alves, E ITN and CFNUL Portugal ; Araújo, J P Universidade do Porto Portugal ; Barbosa, M ITN and Universidade do Porto Portugal ; Correia, JG ITN and CFNUL Portugal and PH dept CERN Switzerland ; Johnston, K Universität des Saarlandes Germany and PH dept CERN Switzerland ; Keßler, P University of Bonn Germany ; Lorenz, K ITN and CFNUL Portugal ; Miranda, S ITN Portugal ; Marques, JG ITN and CFNUL Portugal
CERN-INTC-2011-003 ; INTC-P-251-ADD-1.
- 2011.
Original Document (INTC-P-251) - Fulltext

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13 Correia, J
1 Correia, J G
1 Correia, J -G
7 Correia, J D
138 Correia, J G
3 Correia, J J
1 Correia, J R C C C
3 Correia, J. G.
4 Correia, J.G.
13 Correia, JG
1 Correia, JG ITN and CFNUL Portugal and PH dept CERN Switzerland
1 Correia, JG Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear E N 10 P-2685 Sacavém Portugal
2 Correia, Joao
8 Correia, Joao G
33 Correia, Joao Guilherme
2 Correia, Joao Guilherme Martins
1 Correia, Joao Gulhierm
1 Correia, Joaquim M
33 Correia, Joaõ Guilherme
1 Correia, João
1 Correia, José Pedro
2 Correia, João
8 Correia, João G
1 Correia, João G M
1 Correia, João G.M.
33 Correia, João Guilherme
2 Correia, João Guilherme Martins
33 Correia, João guilherme
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