CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 8 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  Η έρευνα πήρε 0.55 δευτερόλεπτα. 
7th International Conference on Heavy-Ion Collisions at Near-Barrier Energies - FUSION17   20 - 24 Feb 2017  - Hobart, Tasmania, Australia  / Simpson, E C (ed.); Simenel, C (ed.); Cook, K J (ed.); Carter, I P (ed.)
2017 - Published in : EPJ Web Conf.: 163 (2017)
Proposal for a dual radiator RICH for HERMES / HERMES Collaboration
- 1997. - 26 p.
Multiplicity of charged and neutral pions in deep-inelastic scattering of 27.5-GeV positrons on hydrogen / HERMES Collaboration
DESY-2001-037 ; DESY-01-037.
- 2001. - 10 p.
JET posters / Altmann, H ; Andrew, P ; Bell, A C ; Bonicelli, T ; Carter, P ; Cox, S ; Di Maio, M ; Lässer, R ; Lennholm, M ; Macklin, B et al.
- 1997. - 63 p.
pt.1 - pt.2
JET posters / Svensson, L ; Andrew, P ; Rolfe, A C ; Macklin, B ; Altmann, H ; Lennholm, M ; Bonicelli, T ; Riccardo, V ; Cox, S ; Carter, P
- 1997. - 77 p.
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The partition function of Z(2) and Z(8) lattice gauge theory in four dimensions : a novel approach to simulations of lattice systems / Bhanot, G V ; Bitar, K M ; Black, S N ; Carter, P ; Salvador, R
FSU-SCRI-86-81 ; FSU-SCRI-86-81-A.
- 1986. - 16 p.
CERN library copies
A new method for the partition function of discrete systems with application to the 3-d Ising model / Bhanot, G V ; Black, S N ; Carter, P ; Salvador, R
- 1986. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Some comments on texture analysis and the use of co-occurrence matrices / Carter, P
- 1979. - 52 p.
Fulltext - CERN library copies

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9 Carter, P J
1 Carter, P W
1 Carter, Paul
1 Carter, Peter
9 Carter, Peter A
1 Carter, Philip
14 Carter, Philip J
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