CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 30 Datensätze gefunden  1 - 10nächsteEnde  gehen zum Datensatz: Die Suche hat 0.58 Sekunden gedauert. 
Elastic p-n scattering at small angles in the energy range of 10-70 GeV / Beznogikh, G G ; Buyak, A ; Kirillova, L F ; Nikitin, V A ; Shafranova, M G ; Truong Bien ; Zayachky, V J ; Zhidkov, N K ; Zolin, L S
1972. - 9 p.
Search for asymmetry in the decays of the charmed strange baryon $\Xi_{c}^{+}$ / Dubna-Alma Ata-Bucharest-Minsk-Moscow-Plovdiv-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi Collaboration
D1-93-36 ; JINR-E1-93-36.
- 1993. - 16 p.
Access to document - Access to document - CERN library copies
$\phi$-meson production in neutron-proton and neutron-nucleus interactions at 30-70 GeV / BIS-2 Collaboration
- 1993. - 30 p.
CERN library copies
Observation of charmed baryons SIGMA$_{c}$ in neutron-proton interactions at the Serpukhov accelerator / BIS-2 Collaboration
D1-89-701 ; JINR-E1-89-701.
- 1989. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
Search for narrow baryonia / BIS-2 Collaboration
E1-90-305; JINR-E1-90-305.- Dubna : Joint Inst. Nucl. Res., 1991 - 17 p.
In : 25th International Conference on High-Energy Physics, Singapore, Singapore, 2 - 8 Aug 1990, pp.575-576
phi-meson production in neutron-nucleus interactions at 30-70 GeV / BIS-2 Collaboration
E1-90-316 ; JINR-E1-90-316.
- 1990. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
A-dependence of inclusive phi-meson production in neutron-nucleus interactions at 30-70 GeV / BIS-2 Collaboration
D1-90-168 ; JINR-E1-90-168.
- 1990. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
Experiment for the measurement of CP-violation in B decays : letter of intent / Dubna-Alma Ata-Moscow-Plovdiv-Prague-Serpukhov-Sofia-Tbilisi Collaboration
D1-89-614 ; JINR-E1-89-614.
- 1989. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
Search for narrow baryonium with hidden strangeness / Dubna-Alma Ata-Budapest-Bucharest-Moscow-Prague-Sofia-Tbilisi Collaboration
D1-89-642 ; JINR-E1-89-642.
- 1989. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
Inclusive production of phi-mesons in neutron-proton interactions at 30-70 GeV / BIS-2 Collaboration
D1-89-345 ; JINR-E1-89-345.
- 1989. - 12 p.
CERN library copies

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