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The on-line low temperature nuclear orientation facility NICOLE / Ohtsubo, T (Niigata U.) ; Roccia, S (CSNSM, Orsay) ; Stone, N J (Tennessee U. ; Oxford U.) ; Stone, J R (Tennessee U. ; Oxford U.) ; Gaulard, C (CSNSM, Orsay) ; Köster, U (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Nikolov, J (Novi Sad U.) ; Simpson, G S (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Veskovic, M (Novi Sad U.)
We review major experiments and results obtained by the on-line low temperature nuclear orientation method at the NICOLE facility at ISOLDE, CERN since the year 2000 and highlight their general physical impact. This versatile facility, providing a large degree of controlled nuclear polarization, was used for a long-standing study of magnetic moments at shell closures in the region Z = 28, N = 28–50 but also for dedicated studies in the deformed region around A ∼ 180. [...]
2017 - 13 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 44 (2017) 044010 Fulltext: PDF;
In-source laser spectroscopy of $^{75, 77, 78}$Cu : Direct evidence for a change in the quasiparticle energy sequence in $^{75, 77}$Cu and an absence of longer-lived isomers in $^{78}$Cu / Koster, U (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Volkov, Y M (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Serot, O (CEA Cadarache) ; Fedosseev, V N (CERN) ; Kratz, K L (Mainz U.) ; Stone, N J (Oxford U., Ctr. Quantum Comp. ; Tennessee U.) ; Sjodin, A M (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Materna, T (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Flanagan, K T (Manchester U.) ; Molkanov, P L (St. Petersburg, INP) et al.
This paper describes measurements on the isotopes (75,77,78)Cu by the technique of in-source laser spectroscopy, at the ISOLDE facility, CERN. The role of this technique is briefly discussed in the context of this and other, higher resolution, methods applied to copper isotopes in the range (57-78)Cu [...]
2011 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 84 (2011) 034320 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Nuclear Spins and Magnetic Moments of 71,73,75Cu: Inversion of π2p3/2 and π1f5/2 Levels in 75Cu / Flanagan, K T (Leuven U. ; Orsay, IPN) ; Vingerhoets, P (Leuven U.) ; Avgoulea. M (Leuven U.) ; Billowes, J (Manchester U.) ; Bissell, M L (Leuven U.) ; Blaum, K (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Cheal, B (Manchester U.) ; De Rydt, M (Leuven U.) ; Fedosseev, V N (CERN) ; Forest, D H (Birmingham U.) et al.
2009 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 142501 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Magnetic dipole moment of the doubly closed-shell plus one proton nucleus $^{49}$Sc. / Ohtsubo, T (Department of Physics, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan) ; Ohya, S (Department of Physics, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan) ; Stone, N J (Department of Physics, University of Oxford, OX1 3PU Oxford, UK ; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA) ; Stone, J R (Department of Physics, University of Oxford, OX1 3PU Oxford, UK ; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742) ; Bingham, C R (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA) ; Gaulard, C (CSNSM, 941405 ORSAY, France) ; Köster, U (Institut Laue Langevin, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9 ; ISOLDE, CERN, CH1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland) ; Nishimura, K (Faculty of Engineering, Toyama University, Toyama 930, Japan) ; Muto, S (Neutron Science Laboratory, KEK, Japan) ; Risagari, L (CSNSM, 941405 ORSAY, France) et al.
CERN-INTC-2010-014 ; INTC-P-279.
- 2010.
Magnetic dipole moments of $^{58}$Cu and $^{59}$Cu by in-source laser spectroscopy / Stone, N J (Oxford U. ; Tennessee U.) ; Köster, U (Laue-Langevin Inst. ; CERN) ; Stone, J. Rikovska (Oxford U. ; Maryland U.) ; Fedorov, D V (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Fedosseev, V (CERN) ; Flanagan, K T (Leuven U.) ; Hass, M (Weizmann Inst.) ; Lakshmi, S (Weizmann Inst.)
2008 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 77 (2008) 067302 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Nuclear dipole moment of $^{71}$Cu from online $\beta$-NMR measurements / ISOLDE Collaboration
On-line β-NMR measurements on nuclei oriented at low temperatures of the magnetic dipole moment of 71Cu(N=42) are reported, with the result μ(71Cu)=+2.28(1) nuclear magneton (n.m.). The value shows a significant difference from μ(67Cu)=+2.54(2) n.m., revealing asymmetry with respect to N=40. [...]
2008 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 77 (2008) 014315 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Parity non-conservation observed in nuclear $\gamma$-decay / NICOLE Collaboration
In : 45th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, 15 - 20 Jan 2007, pp.348-355
Confirmation of parity violation in the $\gamma$ decay of $^{180}$Hf$^{m}$ / Stone, J.R. (Oxford U., Ctr. Quantum Comp. ; Maryland U., Dept. Chem.) ; Goldring, G. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Stone, N.J. (Oxford U., Ctr. Quantum Comp. ; Tennessee U.) ; Severijns, N. (Leuven U.) ; Hass, M. (Weizmann Inst.) ; Zakoucky, D. (Rez, Nucl. Phys. Inst.) ; Giles, T. (CERN) ; Koster, U. (Laue-Langevin Inst. ; CERN) ; Kraev, I.S. (Leuven U.) ; Lakshmi, S. (Weizmann Inst.) et al.
This paper reports measurements using the technique of On Line Nuclear Orientation (OLNO) which reexamine the gamma decay of isomeric $^{\rm 180}$Hf$^{\rm m}$ and specifically the 501 keV 8$^{\rm -}$ -- 6$^{\rm +}$ transition. The irregular admixture of E2 to M2/E3 multipolarity in this transition, deduced from the forward-backward asymmetry of its angular distribution, has for decades stood as the prime evidence for parity mixing in nuclear states. [...]
arXiv:0707.1061.- 2007 - 28 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007) 025502 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
Magnetic moments of the $2{^+_1}$ states around $^{132}Sn$ / Brown, B.Alex (Michigan State U., NSCL) ; Stone, N.J. (Oxford U. ; Tennessee U.) ; Stone, J.R. (Oxford U. ; Maryland U.) ; Towner, I.S. (Queen's U., Kingston) ; Hjorth-Jensen, M. (Oslo U. ; CERN ; Michigan State U.)
Development of neutron-rich radioactive beams at the HRIBF facility has stimulated experimental and theoretical activity in heavy Sn and Te isotopes. Recently, the g-factor of the first 2$^+$ state in $^{132}$Te has been measured. [...]
nucl-th/0411099.- 2005 - 7 p. APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: nucl-th/0411099 PDF
Nuclear implantation into cold on line equipment : proposal for on line nuclear orientation on ISOLDE-3 (CERN-PSCC-85-2) / Stone, N J ; Berkès, I ; Coussement, R ; Freitag, C (et al.)
CERN-PSCC-85-2 ; PSCC-S-81.
- 1985. - 2 p.

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9 Stone, N
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1 Stone, Nick J
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