CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 24 Datensätze gefunden  1 - 10nächsteEnde  gehen zum Datensatz: Die Suche hat 0.71 Sekunden gedauert. 
Evaluation and benchmarking of nuclear data of vanadium in integral experiments with 14-MeV neutrons / Blokhin, A I
The measurements of the gamma-ray and neutron leakage spectra from three vanadium spheres with diameter 10, 24 and 34 cm at their internal irradiation by 14-MeV neutrons were carried out in frame of the ISTC Project no. [...]
INDC-CCP-435. - 2001.
Search for $\nu\mu \to \nu_{e}$ Oscillations in the NOMAD Experiment / NOMAD Collaboration
We present the results of a search for nu(mu)-->nu(e) oscillations in the NOMAD experiment at CERN. The experiment looked for the appearance of nu(e) in a predominantly nu(mu) wide-band neutrino beam at the CERN SPS. [...]
hep-ex/0306037.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 19 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 570 (2003) 19-31
- Published in : PoS: hep2001 (2001) , pp. 190 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Published version from PoS: PDF; External link: hep-ex/0306037 PDF
In : International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 12 - 18 Jul 2001, pp.190
The "IHEP?JINR Neutrino Detector" at Neutrino Beams of the U-70 Accelerator / Baranov, S A ; Batusov, Yu A ; Bityukov, V V ; Blümlein, Johannes ; Borisov, A ; Bozhko, N ; Brunner, J ; Bunyatov, S A ; Chernichenko, S K ; Denisov, O A et al.
The article contains information about the construction and parameters of the "IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector", the largest experimental set-up at the U-70 accelerator (IHEP, Protvino). [...]
JINR-P13-2002-152 ; P13-2002-152.
- 2002. - 52 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Study of $D^{*+}$ production in $\nu_{\mu}$ charged current interactions in the NOMAD experiment / NOMAD Collaboration
A search was made among $\nu_\mu$ charged current events collected in the NOMAD experiment for the reaction: $\nu_\mu + N \rightarrow \mu^- + D^{\star+} + hadrons \hookrightarrow D^0 + \pi^+ \hookrightarrow K^- + \pi^+ A $D^{\star+}$ sample composed of 47 events, with 90% purity, was extracted. The $D^{\star+}$ yield in $\nu_\mu$ charged current interactions was measured to be $T = (0.99 \pm 0.15(stat.) \pm 0.11(syst.))$%. [...]
CERN-EP-2001-083.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 13 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 526 (2002) 278-286 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 48th IEEE 2001 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, 12th International Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors Workshop and Symposium on Nuclear Power Systems, San Diego, CA, USA, 4 - 10 Nov 2001, pp.278-86 - CERN library copies
Measurements of Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections and Spectra in Inelastic Interaction of 14 MeV Neutrons with Nuclei C, O, Mg, Al, Fe, Cu, Zr, Mo, W and Pb / Nefedov, Yu A ; Nagornyj, V I ; Semenov, V I ; Shmarov, A E ; Orlov, R A ; Zhitnik, A K
2000 - Published in : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.: suppl. 1 (2000) , pp. 692-696 External link: e-proceedings
In : 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 17 - 22 Oct 1999, pp.692-696
Evaluation of Gamma-Ray Production Cross-Sections for Inelastic Neutron Interaction with Aluminium and Lead / Zvenigorodskii, A G ; Shvetsov, M S ; Shvetsov, A M ; Savin, M V ; Nefedov, Yu A ; Blokhin, A I
2000 - Published in : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.: suppl. 1 (2000) , pp. 738-742 External link: e-proceedings
In : 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 17 - 22 Oct 1999, pp.738-742
Evaluation of Angular Distributions and Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections for Iron / Savin, M V ; Livke, A V ; Nefedov, Yu A ; Shvetsov, M S ; Zvenigorodskii, A G ; Blokhin, A I
2000 - Published in : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.: suppl. 1 (2000) , pp. 748-752 External link: e-proceedings
In : 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 17 - 22 Oct 1999, pp.748-752
Proposal to study helium-induced hadron production for the atmospheric neutrino flux : addendum to the HARP proposal / Catanesi, M G ; Muciaccia, M T ; Radicioni, E ; Righini, P ; Simone, S ; Boyko, I ; Bunyatov, S A ; Chelkov, G A ; Chukanov, A ; Dedovitch, D et al.
CERN-SPSC-2001-016 ; SPSC-P-315-Add-1.
- 2001. - 11 p.
Full text - Fulltext - CERN library copies
Determination of the high-twist contribution to the structure function $xF^{\nu N}_3$ / Alekhin, S I ; Anykeyev, V B ; Batusov, Yu A ; Borisov, A ; Bozhko, N ; Bunyatov, S A ; Chernichenko, S K ; Denisov, O Yu ; Fachrutdinov, R M ; Goryachev, V N et al.
We extract the high-twist contribution to the neutrino-nucleon structure function $xF_3^{(\nu+\bar{\nu})N}$ from the analysis of the data collected by the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector in the runs with the focused neutrino beams at the IHEP 70 GeV proton synchrotron. The analysis is performed within the infrared renormalon (IRR) model of high twists in order to extract the normalization parameter of the model. [...]
hep-ex/0104013; IHEP-2001-18.- Protvino : Protvino Inst. High Energy Phys., 2001 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 512 (2001) 25-9 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: hep-ex/0104013 PDF
Measurement of the $\Lambda$ polarization in $\nu_\mu$ charged current interactions in the NOMAD experiment / NOMAD Collaboration
The $\Lambda$ polarization in $\nu_\mu$ charged current interactions has been measured in the NOMAD experiment. The event sample (8087 reconstructed $\Lambda$'s) is more than an order of magnitude larger than that of previous bubble chamber experiments, while the quality of event reconstruction is comparable [...]
CERN-EP-2000-111.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 12 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 588 (2000) 3-36 Fulltext: PDF; Source files restricted to CERN users: ZIP; - CERN library copies

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146 Nefedov, Y
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