CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 11 Datensätze gefunden  1 - 10nächste  gehen zum Datensatz: Die Suche hat 0.72 Sekunden gedauert. 
Detailed Report on the Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm / Muon g-2 Collaboration
We present details on a new measurement of the muon magnetic anomaly, $a_\mu = (g_\mu -2)/2$. [...]
arXiv:2402.15410 ; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0084-AD-CSAID-PPD.
- 48 p.
Magnetic Measurements and Simulations of a 4 Magnet Dipole Chicane for the International Linear Collider / Schreiber, H J ; Viti, M ; Duginov, V N ; Kostromin, S A ; Morozov, N A ; Arnold, R ; Fisher, A ; Hast, Carsten ; Szalata, Z ; Woods, M
SLAC-PUB-13046; PAC07-THPMS038.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 2007 External link: Fulltext from SLAC
In : 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 25 - 29 Jun 2007, pp.3085
Relaxation of the Shallow Acceptor Center Magnetic Moment in a Highly Doped Silicon / Mamedov, T N ; Andrianov, D G ; Herlach, D ; Gorelkin, V N ; Gritsaj, K I ; Duginov, V N ; Kormann, O ; Major, J V ; Stoikov, A V ; Zimmermann, U
Results on the temperature dependence of the residual polarization of negative muons in crystalline silicon with germanium, boron and phosphorus impurities are presented. [...]
JINR-P14-2001-83 ; P14-2001-83.
- 2001. - 14 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
The Isotopic Effect in the Nuclear Capture of Negative Muons in Xenon / Mamedov, T N ; Grebinnik, V G ; Gritsaj, K I ; Duginov, V N ; Zhukov, V A ; Olshevsky, V G ; Stojkov, A V
The lifetime of negative muons in 1s-state of ^129 Xe has been measured for the first time. [...]
JINR-P15-2000-88 ; P15-2000-88.
- 2000. - 6 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Microscopic phase separation in $La_{2}CuO_{4+x}$ induced by the superconducting transition / Pomjakushin, V Yu ; Zakharov, A A ; Balagurov, A M ; Schenck, A ; Gygax, F N ; Amato, A ; Herlach, D ; Beskrovny, A I ; Duginov, V N ; Obukhov, Yu N et al.
E-14-98-10.- 1998 - Published in : Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998) 12350 Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
Study of microscopic phase separation in $La_2 CuO_4+y$ by $\mu$SR / Pomjakushin, V Yu ; Zakharov, A A ; Amato, A ; Duginov, V N ; Gygax, F N ; Herlach, D ; Ponomarev, A N ; Schenck, A
- 1996. - 27 p.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document - CERN library copies
$\mu^{-}$SR-study of behaviour of impurity atoms in silicon / Gorelkin, V N ; Grebinnik, V G ; Gritsaj, K I ; Duginov, V N ; Kirillov, B F ; Mamedov, T N ; Nikolskij, B N ; Olshevsky, V G ; Pirogov, A V ; Pomjakushin, V Yu et al.
- 1993. - 10 p. CERN library copies
On the $\mu$SR activity at LNP JINR phasotron / Gurevich, I I ; Duginov, V N ; Firsov, V G ; Grebinnik, V G ; Krasnoperov, E P ; Mamedov, T N ; Nikolskij, B A ; Olshevsky, V G ; Pomjakushin, V Yu ; Ponomarev, A N et al.
- 1992. - 26 p. CERN library copies
The muSR investigation of multi-phase Bi-based superconductors / Grebinnik, V G ; Duginov, V N ; Zhukov, V ; Kapusta, S ; Lazarev, A B ; Olshevsky, V G ; Pomjakushin, V Yu ; Shilov, S N ; Ageenkova, I K ; Brjazkalo, A M et al.
E14-90-279 ; JINR-E14-90-279.
- 1990. - 7 p.
CERN library copies
The comparative study of irreversibility effects in Nb foil and high temperature superconducting ceramics by mu.SR / Grebinnik, V G ; Duginov, V N ; Zhukov, V ; Kapusta, S ; Lazarev, A B ; Olshevsky, V G ; Pomjakushin, V Yu ; Shilov, S N ; Kirillov, B F ; Pirogov, A V et al.
E14-90-254 ; JINR-E14-90-254.
- 1990. - 9 p.
CERN library copies

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2 Duginov, V
1 Duginov, V A
1 Duginov, V.N.
4 Duginov, Viktor
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