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Influence of Concentration and Temperature on Tunneling and Rotational Dynamics of Ammonium in $Rb_{1-x}(NH_{4})_{x}$ Mixed Crystals / Natkaniec, I ; Dianoux, A J ; Martínez-Sarrion, M L ; Mestres, L ; Herraiz, M ; Smirnov, L S ; Shuvalov, L A
The Rb_{1-x}(NH_{4})_{x} mixed crystals are studied by inelastic incoherent neutron scattering using time-of-flight spectrometers in the concentration region of the x-T phase diagram 0.01\lq x \lq 0.66 at 5\lq T \lq 150 K, where dynamic and static orientational disorder phases are generally found. [...]
E14-2001-171 ; JINR-E14-2001-171.
- 2001. - 11 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna

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1 Dianoux, A
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