CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 93 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.60 segons. 
Rapidity, azimuthal, and multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum and transverse momentum correlations in $\pi^{+}p$ and $K^{+}p$ collisions in $\sqrt{s}$=22 GeV / NA22 Collaboration
Rapidity, azimuthal and multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum and transverse momentum correlations of charged particles is studied in pi/sup positive and K/sup positive collisions at 250 GeV/c incident beam momentum. For the first time, it is found that the rapidity dependence of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation is different from that of the mean transverse momentum, but both have similar multiplicity dependence. [...]
2006 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006) 72004-1-5 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
A Monte Carlo study on cone-angle property of the quark- and gluon- jets identified by b-tag method / Chen Gang ; Liu, Lian-Shou
Quark and gluon jets are studied in three-jet events generated by Jetset 7.4 and Herwig 5.9 at s/sup 1/2/ = 91.2 GeV. The quark jets are identified by b-tag tracing, and the remaining jet is then defined as the gluon jet. [...]
2005 - Published in : Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 (2005) 839-842
N* production by neutrinos / Albright, C H ; Liu, L S
CERN, 1965 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Informal Conference on Experimental Neutrino Physics, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 20 - 22 Jan 1965, pp.89-96 (CERN-1965-032)
Entropy Analysis in $\pi^{+}p$ and $K^{+}p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}=22$ GeV / NA22 Collaboration
The entropy properties are analyzed by Ma's coincidence method in $\pi^{+}\rp$ and $\rK^{+}\rp$ collisions of the NA22 experiment at 250 GeV/$c$ incident momentum. By using the R\'{e}nyi entropies, we test the scaling law and additivity properties in rapidity space. [...]
hep-ex/0506029.- 2006-04-19 - 11 p. - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc. 828 (2006) 124-129 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: hep-ex/0506029 PDF
In : 35th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Kromeriz, Czech Republic, 9 - 17 Aug 2005, pp.124-129
Transverse-momentum fluctuations in $\pi^{+}p$ and $K^{+}p$ collisions at 250 GeV/c / NA22 Collaboration
We report results on event-by-event fluctuations of transverse momentum, Phi (p/sub t/), in pi /sup +/p and K/sup +/p collisions at 250 GeV/c. For the first time, their dependence on rapidity region, transverse momentum acceptance, multiplicity, mean transverse momentum per event, and on the correlation between transverse momentum and multiplicity are systematically presented. [...]
2002 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 121802/1-4
Thermal freeze-out and longitudinally nonuniform collective expansion flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions / Feng Sheng Qin ; Liu Feng ; Lian Shou Liu
The nonuniform longitudinal flow model (NUFM) proposed recently is extended to include also the transverse flow. The resulting longitudinally nonuniform collective expansion model (NUCEM) is applied to the calculation of the rapidity distribution of kaons, lambdas and protons in relativistic heavy ion collisions at CERN-SPS energies. [...]
2002 - Published in : High Energy Phys. Nucl. Phys. (Beijing): 26 (2002) , no. 12, pp. 1277-84
Monte Carlo study on the properties of gluon and quark jets / Kun Shi Zhang ; Gang, Chen ; Mei Ling Yu ; Lian Shou Liu
The 3-jet events produced in e/sup +/e/sup -/ collisions at 91.2 GeV have been studied using Monte Carlo method. After applying two angular cuts the three angles between the jets are used to identify the individual jet in 3-jet events. [...]
2002 - Published in : High Energy Phys. Nucl. Phys. (Beijing): 26 (2002) , no. 11, pp. 1110-16
Measurement of the scaling property of factorial moments in hadronic Z decay / Chen, G ; Hu, Y ; Liu, L S ; Kittel, E W ; Metzger, W J
Both three- and one-dimensional studies of local multiplicity fluctuations in hadronic Z decay are performed using data of the L3 experiment at LEP. The normalized factorial moments in three dimensions exhibit power-law scaling, indicating that the fluctuations are isotropic, which corresponds to a self-similar fractal. [...]
In : 31st International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Datong, China, 1 - 7 Sep 2001, pp.361-4
Self-affine analysis for the dynamical fluctuations inside jets produced in high energy hadron-hadron collisions / Yin Jian Wu ; Liu Feng ; Lian Shou Liu
A self-affine analysis is performed on the jets (minijets) produced in proton- antiproton collisions at CERN-SppS collider energy. The jets are identified by the "Cone algorithm". [...]
2002 - Published in : High Energy Phys. Nucl. Phys.: 26 (2002) , no. 2, pp. 152-7
Factorial moments of $^{28}Si$ induced interactions with Ag(Br) nuclei / Adamovich, M I ; Aggarwal, M M ; Andreeva, N P ; Badyal, S K ; Bakich, A M ; Basova, E S ; Bhalla, K B ; Bhasin, A ; Bhatia, V S ; Bradnova, V et al.
Scaled factorial moment analysis for the multiplicity distributions of shower particles in the pseudorapidity phase space has been done. An evidence for the presence of dynamical fluctuations has been shown for the non-peripheral interactions of /sup 28/Si+Ag(Br) at 14.6 A Ge V/c and 4.5 A GeV/c. [...]
2001 - Published in : Heavy Ion Phys.: 13 (2001) , no. 4, pp. 213-21

CERN Document Server : 93 registres trobats   1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre:
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294 Liu, L
1 Liu, L -L
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5 Liu, L X
2 Liu, L Y
29 Liu, L.
9 Liu, L.D.
3 Liu, L.S.
1 Liu, LV
1 Liu, La-Qun
1 Liu, Lacheng
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2 Liu, Lanming
1 Liu, Lee R
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1 Liu, LiBing
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2 Liu, Lian-shou
1 Liu, Lianchen
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1 Liu, Lihuei
7 Liu, Lihui
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26 Liu, Lijiao
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4 Liu, Lijuan
1 Liu, Liming
9 Liu, Lin
1 Liu, LinShu
3 Liu, Ling
1 Liu, Lingbo
1 Liu, Linghui
1 Liu, Lingjia
1 Liu, Lining
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4 Liu, Liping
1 Liu, Liqiang
1 Liu, Lisha
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2 Liu, Lizhao
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1 Liu, Long-xiang
1 Liu, Longjian
1 Liu, Longjiang
3 Liu, Longxiang
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