CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 85 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.57 segons. 
Production and decay of $\eta^\prime$(958) and $\eta$(1440) in $\bar{p} p$ annihilation at rest / Amsler, Claude (U. Zurich (main)) ; Anisovich, A V (U. Bonn (main)) ; Baker, C A (Rutherford) ; Barnett, B M (U. Bonn (main)) ; Batty, C J (Rutherford) ; Blum, P (Karlsruhe U.) ; Braune, K (LMU Munich (main)) ; Credé, V (U. Bonn (main)) ; Crowe, K M (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Doser, M (CERN) et al.
We report on a study of four reactions in $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p}$ annihilation at rest, of $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p} \rightarrow 2\pi^ + 2\pi^-\eta$, $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p} \rightarrow 2\pi^ + 2\pi^- 2\pi^0$, $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p} \rightarrow 2\pi^ + 2\pi^-\gamma$ and $\bar{\mathrm p}{\mathrm p}\rightarrow 4\pi^0\eta$. The $\eta^\prime$ and the $\eta$(1440) are seen in their decays into $\pi^ + \pi^-\eta$, $\pi^0\pi^0\eta$ and $\pi^ + \pi^-\gamma$ ; no signal is seen in the $4\pi$ invariant mass distribution. [...]
2004 - 8 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 33 (2004) 23-30
Observation of f0(1770) -> eta-eta in pbar-p -> eta-eta-pizero reactions from 600 to 1200 MeV/c / Anisovich, A.V. (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Nikonov, V.A. (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Sarantsev, A.V. (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Sarantsev, V.V. (St. Petersburg, INP) ; Baker, C.A. (Rutherford) ; Batty, C.J. (Rutherford) ; Bugg, D.V. (Queen Mary, U. of London ; UCLA) ; Hodd, C. (Queen Mary, U. of London ; UCLA) ; Scott, I. (Queen Mary, U. of London ; UCLA) ; Zou, B.S. (Queen Mary, U. of London ; UCLA) et al.
We present data on pbar-p -> eta-eta-pizero at beam momenta of 600, 900, 1050, and 1200 MeV/c. At the higher three momenta, a signal is clearly visible due to pbar-p -> f_0(1770)-pizero, f_0(1770) -> eta-eta. [...]
arXiv:1109.4819; QMEE01; QMEE01.- 2011 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 449 (1999) 154 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Annihilation at rest of antiprotons and protons into neutral particles / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
Annihilation of antiprotons and protons at rest into neutral particles has been studied with the Crystal Barrel detector at LEAR. Annihilation frequencies are determined for final states containing π 0 , η , η ′ and ω mesons using a liquid and a room temperature, 12 bar, gaseous hydrogen target. [...]
2003 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 720 (2003) 357
Coupled channel analysis of proton-antiproton annihilation into π0π0π0, π0ηη and π0π0η / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
We confirm the existence of the two I G ( J PC ) = 0 + (0 ++ ) resonances f 0 (1370) and f 0 (1500) reported by us in earlier analyses. The analysis presented here couples the final states π 0 π 0 π 0 , π 0 π 0 η and π 0 ηη of p p annihilation at rest. [...]
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1995 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 355 (1995) 425 Fulltext: PDF;
Search for a new light gauge boson in π0, η and η' decays / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
Upper limits for the production of new light gauge bosons in π0, η and η′ decays have been obtained with the Crystal Barrel detector. The kinematically well-constrained reactions p̅p → π0π0 P have been studied, where P ? π 0, η, η′ decays through the emission of a single photon recoiling against a missing state X. [...]
1996 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 70 (1996) 219
Proton-antiproton annihilation at rest into $K_{L}K^{±}\pi^{±}$ / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1998 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998) 3860 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Excited states of hypernuclei (populated by low energetic separated K- beam) / Bamberger, A ; Faessler, M A ; Haddock, R ; Lynen, U ; Moszkowski, S ; Piekarz, H ; Piekarz, J ; Pniewski, J ; Povh, B ; Ritter, H G et al.
The experimental investigation of hypernuclei up to now has been done using emulsions and bubble chambers and therefore, with only 2 exemptions, all existing knowledge concerns hypernuclear ground states. The investigation of excited states in general is only possible using counter techniques, but these experiments could not be performed due to the low intensity of available K/sup -/-beams. [...]
In : International Conference on Few-particle Problems in the Nuclear Interaction, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 28 Aug 1972, pp.182-7
Differential cross-section measurements of pi /sup -/p to pi /sup 0/n around the P/sub 33/ (1232) resonance / Comiso, J C ; Blasberg, D J ; Haddock, R P ; Nefkens, B M K ; Truöl, P ; Verhey, L J
Differential cross-section measurements are reported for pi /sup -/p to pi degrees n at five angles and five energies around P/sub 33/ (1232) resonance. The data are in agreement with the CERN phase shift analysis results. [...]
1975 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 12 (1975) 738-43
Meson Acceleration in Cyclic Machines / Haddock, R P
CERN, 1963 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on Sector-focused Cyclotrons and Meson Factories, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 - 26 Apr 1963, pp.410-413 (CERN-1963-019)
H- Cyclotron Meson Factory / Haddock, R P ; Richardson, J R ; Wright, B T
CERN, 1963 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on Sector-focused Cyclotrons and Meson Factories, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 - 26 Apr 1963, pp.340-350 (CERN-1963-019)

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