CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 1 registres trobats  La cerca s'ha fet en 1.03 segons. 
Collimated beam formation in 3D acoustic sonic crystals / Vanel, A L (CERN) ; Dubois, M (Fresnel Inst., Marseille ; CNES, Toulouse) ; Tronche, C (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Fu, S (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Wang, Y-T (Imperial Coll., London ; City Coll., N.Y. ; Taiwan, Natl. Normal U.) ; Dupont, G (Fresnel Inst., Marseille ; CNES, Toulouse) ; Rakíc, A D (Queensland U.) ; Bertling, K (Queensland U.) ; Abdeddaim, R (Fresnel Inst., Marseille ; CNES, Toulouse) ; Enoch, S (Fresnel Inst., Marseille ; CNES, Toulouse) et al.
We demonstrate strongly collimated beam formation, at audible frequencies, in a three-dimensional acoustic phononic crystal where the wavelength is commensurate with the crystal elements; the crystal is a seemingly simple rectangular cuboid constructed from closely-spaced spheres, and yet demonstrates rich wave phenomena acting as a canonical three-dimensional metamaterial. We employ theory, numerical simulation and experiments to design and interpret this collimated beam phenomenon and use a crystal consisting of a finite rectangular cuboid array of polymer spheres 1.38 cm in diameter in air, arranged in a primitive cubic cell with the centre-to-centre spacing of the spheres, i.e. [...]
2024 - 12 p. - Published in : New J. Phys. 26 (2024) 073021 Fulltext: PDF;

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