CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 11 записа  1 - 10следващ  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 0.58 секунди. 
Review of particle physics / Particle Data Group Collaboration
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,717 new measurements from 869 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons [...]
2024 - 2382 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 030001 Fulltext: PDF;
Book cover Review of Particle Physics : 2022 / Workman, R.L.
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology [...]
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022 - 2270.

Book cover Review of Particle Physics, 2020-2021 / Zyla, P A
2020. - 2093 p.

Review of Particle Physics, 2016-2017 / Patrignani, C (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Agashe, K (Maryland U.) ; Aielli, G (U. Rome 2, Tor Vergata (main)) ; Amsler, C (U. Bern, AEC ; Stefan Meyer Inst. Subatomare Phys.) ; Antonelli, M (Frascati) ; Asner, D M (PNL, Richland) ; Baer, H (Oklahoma U.) ; Banerjee, Sw (U. Louisville) ; Barnett, R M (LBL, Berkeley) ; Basaglia, T (CERN) et al. /Particle Data Group
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. [...]
2016 - 1808 p. - Published in : Chin. Phys. C 40 (2016) 100001 IOP Open Access article: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Review of Particle Physics, 2014-2015 / Olive, K A (Minnesota U.) ; Agashe, K (Maryland U.) ; Amsler, C (U. Bern, AEC) ; Antonelli, M (Frascati) ; Arguin, J-F (Montreal U.) ; Asner, D M (PNL, Richland) ; Baer, H (Oklahoma U.) ; Band, H R (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Barnett, R M (LBL, Berkeley) ; Basaglia, T (CERN) et al. /Particle Data Group. Berkeley
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 3,283 new measurements from 899 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. [...]
2014 - Published in : Chin. Phys. C 38 (2014) 090001 IOP Open Access article: PDF; External links: Particle Data Group web site; Past Reviews of Particle Physics; Listings - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Review of Particle Physics, 2012-2013 / Beringer, J (LBL, Berkeley) ; Arguin, J F (Montreal U. ; LBL, Berkeley) ; Barnett, R M (LBL, Berkeley) ; Copic, K (LBL, Berkeley) ; Dahl, O (LBL, Berkeley) ; Groom, D E (LBL, Berkeley) ; Lin, C J (LBL, Berkeley) ; Lys, J (LBL, Berkeley) ; Murayama, H (LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley ; Tokyo U.) ; Wohl, C G (LBL, Berkeley) et al. /Particle Data Group. Berkeley
This biennial Review summarizes much of particle physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 2658 new measurements from 644 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. [...]
2012 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012) 010001 APS FREE TO READ article: PDF; External links: Errata for the 2012 Review of Particle Physics; Listings; Particle Data Group web site; Past Reviews of Particle Physics - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Review of Particle Physics, 2010-2011 / Nakamura, K (Tokyo U., IPMU ; KEK, Tsukuba) ; Hagiwara, K (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Hikasa, K (Tohoku U.) ; Murayama, H (Tokyo U., IPMU ; UC, Berkeley ; LBL, Berkeley) ; Tanabashi, M (Nagoya U.) ; Watari, T (Tokyo U., IPMU) ; Amsler, C (Zurich U.) ; Antonelli, M (Frascati) ; Asner, D M (PNL, Richland) ; Baer, H (Florida State U.) et al. /Particle Data Group. Berkeley
This biennial Review summarizes much of particle physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 2158 new measurements from 551 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. [...]
2010 - Published in : J. Phys. G 37 (2010) 075021 IOP Open Access article: PDF; External links: Particle Data Group web site; Past Reviews of Particle Physics; Listings - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
A Precise measurement of the Sigma0 mass / Wang, M H ; Hartouni, E P ; Kreisler, M N ; Uribe, J ; Church, M D ; Gottschalk, E E ; Knapp, B C ; Stern, B J ; Wiencke, L R ; Christian, D C et al.
FERMILAB-PUB-97-057.- Batavia, IL : FERMILAB, 1997 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 56 (1997) 2544-2547 External link: Full text from Fermilab
Pion-pion correlations at low relative momentum produced in p-p collisions at 27.5 GeV/c / Brookhaven E766 Collaboration
FERMILAB-PUB-93-356 ; NEVIS-1497 ; UMHEP-401.
- 1993. - 70 p.
Full text - Access to document - CERN library copies
High speed simultaneous measurement of pulse area and time-of-flight for photomultiplier signals / Hartouni, E P ; Jensen, D A ; Klima, B ; Kreisler, M N ; Lee, S ; Markianos, K ; Nordberg, M ; Rabin, M S Z ; Uribe, J ; Wesson, D K et al.
FERMILAB-PUB-92-57 ; NEVIS-1455 ; UMHEP-362.
- 1992. - 17 p.
CERN library copies

CERN Document Server : Намерени са 11 записа   1 - 10следващ  отиване на запис:
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